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Sea Turtle

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Thanks. I have been doing lots of water changes, adding Lugol's and oyster feast. I have noticed a big improvement in the coloring of the corals. I think you were right with the elevated nutrients.

I was wondering also about the corals when you do large water changes. Most of my corals are at the top level of the tank. When I remove water from the tank they become exposed to the air as the water level lowers. Are corals ok to be out of the water during the water change?


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Nothing wrong with SPS being out of the water for short periods of time. It happens a lot in nature (there's a great photo illustrating this knocking around somewhere). But most people switch lights out to stop the SPS baking.

This isn't the one I was thinking of, but shows the same thing...


Sea Turtle

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So, I have been doing a large amount of water changes and the sps are looking like they are responding well to them. However, the zoas are still closed. :x I was looking at them closely today and noticed that there is some algae growing over the closed polyps. Is this something bad or could it be causing the problem?


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Glad to hear the SPS are improving. Too bad about the zoas but I believe I can not help you on those. I think you have already tryed all the things I would do to fix the issue. You already did fresh water dips, and iodine dips right? I know you alreay looked for the predators. I did notice algae seeming to grow around them in the one pic you posted in your other post that seemed concerning but I a not sure it was the cause.

Good luck!

Sea Turtle

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yes, already did the fresh water dip and the iodine/saltwater dip. I will try again tonight to see if there are any nudibranches that I can see. I am pretty sure that nothing is eating them though. They don;t seem to be depleating, just closed.

Sea Turtle

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Ok. I am very frustrated now. I don;t understand what else to do. i thought that the corals were getting better but their losing color again. I feel like I want to throw in the towel and start from scratch. This is b-s****. Here are a bunch of picks. What could be going on. Now that I think about it. I haven't had any growth in probably 6 months. Get old really quick. I have tried everything. doing 30-40% water changed one a week to try to fight it. Nothing!! Should I start over?

Slimer. Should be briliant green:




Some type of grrewn sps.Well was green when I bought it.

Purple bonzi


Some other sps


Oh and who can forget my nice zoanthids that I haven't seen in 3 months going on four:




Sea Turtle

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my God, I just checked on the tank before going to bed and there isn't one single polyp out on any sps coral. What is in my water!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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From the pictures the sps minus the green slimer look pale to me, along with some patchs of missing tissue. The one listed millipora looks like a pocillipora to me? Anyhow if the tissue is pale it is IME usually a sign of nutrient defecincy not too much and a bit more feeding usually fixs this, along with less w/c. If the problem was that then the large w/c could have been hurting you. It is hard to tell but from the pictures the tissue looks pale and bleached, if its not from the lack of nutrients it could be a different issue stressing them. It could just be the way the tissue looks though I guess.

Sea Turtle

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The only other thing that I can think of is putting my hands in the water. Could my hands or skin be giving off an oil or something that is doing this. I usually use a wash cloth to dry my hands everytime I take them out if the water. Then I put them back in again. Could I be getting soap residue from the wash on my hands?

On the IME thing. What does IME stand for? Also, will the oyster feast help with this? And if so, how much of it should I add to the tank to try to fix this?


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Well the oyster feast could help but at the same time you don't wan to over do it. Take it slow and try feeding a bit more everyday and if within a week they show some improvement you might be getting close to where you want the tank to be. There is also the chance that they look slightly pale becuase of other stress and its not a nutrient issue but IME (in my expierence) thats what it looks like. Then again you have some algae growing around those zoas and if your nutrient was so low it was starving out the sps then I would think that would be dieing back also. I don't know if its something your hand brings in, I dont wear gloves but I rinse my arms in tap before I put them into the tank. Someone has a sig over at RC thes SPS=stability promotes success which I think is a great saying, anyhting you change do slow.

Sea Turtle

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I can keep trying to add the oyster feast each night. Also worth noting, I recently started a refugium. The cheato and other macro's that are in there a thriving. They have trippled in size over the last month. They seem to be VERY happy in there.

I seem to feel that I should just let this play out and see if it passes but I have been saying that for over 6 months now with little if any change for the better. I have been considering sending my water away to be profesionaly tested. Do you have any experience with doing this?

Sea Turtle

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OK. Let me go home tonight and run every test kit I have on the water and I will report back toomorrow. Maybe something will stand off the page to someone.


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Sea Turtle":2ttza0l7 said:
I can keep trying to add the oyster feast each night. Also worth noting, I recently started a refugium. The cheato and other macro's that are in there a thriving. They have trippled in size over the last month. They seem to be VERY happy in there.

I seem to feel that I should just let this play out and see if it passes but I have been saying that for over 6 months now with little if any change for the better. I have been considering sending my water away to be profesionaly tested. Do you have any experience with doing this.

It means nothing or that that feast is bad or....

Go back to basics. Make sure the salt you have is bad or contaminated and inquire at your LFS if anyone else has seen anything unusual with the salt.

Do water changes. Every week or few days to get the water where it should be. Make sure your RO/DI water is good and clean to begin with.

Keep the salinity between 1.022 and 1.026, Keep your pH high and stable 8.1-8.4 it shouldn't ever drop below 8....ever...

Quit feeding the corals. Feed the tank. Whatever you feed the tank...the corals will eat as well.

If you have pest control service, keep them away from tank, perfumed hands or air fresheners....the list goes on.

Keep things simple, keep things clean. Don't move corals around. etc etc. there are literally hundreds of reasons why your animals are stressed......

Sea Turtle

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OK, just got back from the lfs. He tested all the water parameters (Sal, MG, PH, CA, PO4, dKH, and Nitrate). He said that my water is perfect!!! He feels that I could have one of three problems.

1. Some type of coral parasite like red bugs.

2. He thinks that my sand might be releasing toxins from not enough clean-up crew. He suggested adding 1 per gallon. (hermits, snails, etc.). He also gave me a poly filter pad to add to the sump. He thinks that this might help.

3. The filter sock needs to dry before I add it back into the tank. He gave me two extras so that I can always have one dry and ready to go.

I am really lost on this one. PO4 and nitrates were zero. salinity was 1.025. Temp 78 degrees. Alk 9.9, MG 1365, CA 466, PH 8.0.


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Sea Turtle":18apb09k said:
OK, just got back from the lfs. He tested all the water parameters (Sal, MG, PH, CA, PO4, dKH, and Nitrate). He said that my water is perfect!!! He feels that I could have one of three problems.
1. Some type of coral parasite like red bugs.
Sure but you would have seen them by now and they are quite obvious
2. He thinks that my sand might be releasing toxins from not enough clean-up crew. He suggested adding 1 per gallon. (hermits, snails, etc.). He also gave me a poly filter pad to add to the sump. He thinks that this might help.
Nonsense but it makes great sense to his bottom line.. your sand isnt "toxic" unless it was that way to start with.
3. The filter sock needs to dry before I add it back into the tank. He gave me two extras so that I can always have one dry and ready to go.
what? How exactly does a wet sock damage or harm your tank. You should only rinse it and never use soap on it. Other than that being wet or dry is of no consequence

I am really lost on this one. PO4 and nitrates were zero. salinity was 1.025. Temp 78 degrees. Alk 9.9, MG 1365, CA 466, PH 8.0.
Run carbon, rinse it first, replace the polypad filter after 3-5 days or it completely changes color. Carbon though is your first and best defense against most toxins in your tank.

Sea Turtle

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Alright, I did another 10% water change last night, added the polypad to the sump and a bag of active carbon. I am going to continue with a 10% water change twice a week, replace the pad after 3-5 days then add another one, and keep at it with the carbon. If this doesn;t work, I honestly don;t know what else I am going to do.

I also am going to add at least another 30 hermits and snails this weekend unless someone thinks that this is not necessary. I have about 12 snails and maybe <12 hermits.

Also, you were right, there are absolutely not red bugs on the corals. :D


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Before adding any more hermits I would vacuum the sand to remove any built up detritus (sp?).


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Turt, I haven't read through the whole thread, but I have read this last page. First question, have you tried using real seawater for your water changes (assuming you might have it available)? Second question, are you positive it's not your lighting? Those corals look bleached, not browned out.

Sea Turtle

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seamaiden":1oqgoalg said:
Turt, I haven't read through the whole thread, but I have read this last page. First question, have you tried using real seawater for your water changes (assuming you might have it available)? Second question, are you positive it's not your lighting? Those corals look bleached, not browned out.
I have not tried using real sea water. I live in Connecticut right in the beach which is the Long Island Sound. I really wouldn't want to add this water to my tank at all. I have to get up the nerve just to swim in it. Plus you can't even see your feet knee deep.

As for the lighting. I previously had 10k and have changed to Phoenix 150 watt 14k. I have a coralife unit with two 150 watt MH and two 98 watt blue actinic lights. Could these new lights have anything to do with it. I added them around Christmas.

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