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Official Lurker
New York
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I hope somebody will be able to help me. I went home last night and noticed that part of my montipora undata looked like it was peeling away.You can see the white underneath. The part that's peeling sways when water passes over it.I know it's hard o explain without pics but I will take some tonight and try to post later.Can't now due to the fact that I'm at work.I have a Current 150watt 14k bulb with two pc(96w,50/50) light fixture.Tank is a 46bow. I have a refugium with 2reactors (1phosguard &1carbon) attached to it.I also have a aqua c skimmer.I use rodi and filters and membrane are checked and changed religiously.Filter sock is used also.Water changes are done once a week.I checked my levels and found only the nitates to at around 5ppm.Calcium levels were at 420.All other levels were 0ppm.Temp was 79F.The moti is placed midways to top in tank. Is it bleaching and if so why.All other sps are fine.I need help.


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Sounds like RTN, you never listed your alk and mag readings as well as your phos readings.

What are you testing with as far as kits go?

I would frag a piece off it if you can and try to save it.


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what's the alk, as chief asked, how do you supplement the tank?

how much of the tissue has receded? if you can cut the dead part away i would do so further back from where it's peeling off, then cover the fresh cut with superglue. sometimes this will stop the recession, however it may appear in a different spot on the coral.


Official Lurker
New York
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Hey Chief.My phospates were 0 according to to test kits I have(salifert and that aquarium pharmac....).I ran out of the alk test so I couldn't test.For that I use the second of the two I mentioned.As for Magnesium I havent checked either.Which kits do you recomend for all of the above.What levels do you recomend the magnesium and alkalinity be.If I frag, I should use a dremmel right.I have one but never had to use it until now I guess.


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at a ca of 420 the balanced alk would be 2.95meq or 8.26 dkh.

the mg level should always be close to 1300ppm. that will keep the ca and alk in balance.

for alk kits salifert works, or elos, I like the lamotte kit myself I think it's a bit more accurate. for mg I like elos, it's quick and simple.

is the undata encrusting over a rock or sticking off the rock?
if it's coming off the rock you can use coral shears to break it off, it breaks pretty easy.


Official Lurker
New York
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Thanks J. The monti is a frag I aquired in May.It was mounted on a disc.It has grown but only one side has grown over the frag.I'll try to cut the part that doesn't look to good.

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