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Advanced Reefer
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Well before I write about what I want to do I'll talk about the setting.

Just installed a korilia nano 240 and ofcourse my lighting is 12 CREE 3W LED's (8 blue, 4 white). The tank is inhabited by ric's and shrooms a cleaner shrimp ,hermits, snails, bi colored blenny, banded goby and YCG. Some of my shroom colonies were shocked due to the lighting but has been making a recovery( slowly).

Q's --> What are a couple of easy to keep SPS? can I get them?

I basically want something I could watch grow, a investment for future fragging or FF. Believe in the FF.


Experienced Reefer
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whats your par and equipment? how long the tanks been up? beside mushrooms, what other corals you keep sucessfully and for how long? how long you been in reef and how are you keep check on your ca, alk, ph, no3, mg?


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Monti caps
Monti digitata
green slimer (acro)
...and some of the encrusting montis like rainbow, reverse sunset, etc.

I grew all of the above in a 29g with 130 watts of PC lighting. Had the tank for 2 years before I upgraded to my 75. Gave away most of it as the caps were big and I wanted to go with mostly acros in the new set-up.


Reefs R Madness!
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Might've just been mine, but I had a bicolor blenny that I would not consider reef safe. He killed a few acans, favia, and plate corals and then got a taste for SPS polyps. I don't think he killed any SPS but my polyp extension basically stopped on a few pieces and nothing seemed to show any growth for a while. I would come home from work and see little mouth circles where he has eaten polyps and scraped the skin off. Since my MP10 murdered him my remaining SPS have had great polyp extension and growth.

So with that I found some birdsnest, monti caps, and hydnopora easy.

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