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Brooklyn, NY
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Mornin MeanGreen,
I like your Grube's!!! Mine has doubled in size in the couple of months Ive had it. I will show you a pic of my continuous feeder but I actually took it down about a week ago as Ive just been target feeding everything like crazy. I am going to set it up again on a different system soon.

Hey...good morning. Thanks, hopefully it'll do as well in my tank. Oh wow, was the feeder not doing it's job? Definitely keep me updated on it. Culturing your own phyto or buying it?

Those gorgs are gorgeous...


Old School Reefer
Far Rockaway
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WOW, I am super impressed with your beautiful animals MGE! Everything looks very happy!
Kudos to you on your hard work! It has payed off, just look at all those super happy animals!!!


Advanced Reefer
Brooklyn, NY
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WOW, I am super impressed with your beautiful animals MGE! Everything looks very happy!
Kudos to you on your hard work! It has payed off, just look at all those super happy animals!!!

Thanks Awi...there's still a few things pissed off...hopefully everything will fully recover soon...

That feeder thing you made is for the corals?Is that for that snow stuff people target feed or something different?

It is a coral food and I'm linking some info below...I highly suggest reading the original threads before attempting as it was geared toward SPS dominant tanks. My 40 is going SPS dominant and I'm using it to feed my NPS. That "snow stuff" is crap.

Although I did freeze some pappone because I had extra I'm using it fresh in my continuous feeder. I've also varied the recipe a little and use fresh whole/head-on shrimp with just the shell removed.

Here's the info:

There's also some info with the links below of the "pappone recipe" It's an Italian coral food, that's had amazing results. I'm doing it. It was an excellent read! I will also alter the recipe a tad, by adding some sodium alginate powder to help keep the food suspended to prevent settling. (It's used to for caviar/spheres) So I will be using that, instead of oysterfeast. Of I will be culturing my own phyto to feed in the 2nd channel, as it's a dual channel pump.

Going to be trying this in the continuous feeder...ran into a very interesting read on it...

Here: http://reefcentral.n...ad.php?t=971190

And after the split here: http://reefcentral.c...d.php?t=1074951

"Pappone" Recipe Italian Coral Food (Updated 12/20/2006)

5 Oysters
5 Mussels
5 Clams
5 Shrimp (NOT cocktail shrimp, the big scampi type w/o the head and the shell)
1 Tablespoon of Sugar
200 mL of RO/DI water
10 g of Red Algae (Palmaria palmata; Bisck uses Julian Sprung's brand)
and/or 10 g of Spirulina, 10 g of Nori (spirulina is what Bisck prefers)

Methods: Make SURE that all ingredients are the freshest possible and DO NOT use frozen foods (unless it is impossible for you). Make sure everything "live" is rinsed and cleaned before putting it into the blender. Put all the ingredients into the blender and blend for 5 min, wait 2 min for it to cool, 5 more min blending, 2 min of waiting again, then finally another 5 min of blending (the pausing is so that the solution doesn't get too hot and "cook" from the heat of the blender/blades). Pour into cube forms (approx 10 mL each). Then freeze it all—you want to minimize how long everything is at room temperature.


Advanced Reefer
Brooklyn, NY
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New goodies from Coral Theory...

One head frag of these ...


This pic is the worst lol...but lights were already turning down for the night...the colors in the above pic are definitely true to life...started glowing as soon as it went into the tank and before it was even fully open. Love it!


and a Blueberry gorg...I am in love with NPS as much as SPS right now...I started getting polyp extension on this within minutes of being in the tank...


Some other pics:

"Continuous feeder makes us happy" lol


Growth on my monti's on the back right corner of the 40...pink and purple grown from 1" frags...


Still loving the feeder/Pappone...



Lavender sponges in my red titan macro's...



Advanced Reefer
Ridgewood Queens
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How did you get them to stick to the back?I have a lot to learn I am miles away from having a tank like that. Do you know of any book that goes into detail about corals like you have or any articles I should read? You seem to be doing a real good job or recreating a natural enviornment for your corals.Sorry if I ask too many questions on your thread,I want to learn a few things so when I finally start adding things to my tank I have a general Idea on whats going on.. Thanks


Advanced Reefer
Brooklyn, NY
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Hmmm. Those are some amazing corals. Maybe we should setup a NPS tank as well.

Hellz yes! That's why when I need to get my coral fix...I come to Coral Theory...DUH! It consists of about 90% corals purchased from you guys. :type: Lol

I've been nagging you for the longest to do so...you could totally do a kick@$$ NPS tank with the pico on your counter...hint...hint. Get the stuff and I'll make you a feeder and some of my coral food. You guys have always had my back when I've had questions or needed help...so I don't mind. Oh and I'll take the rest of your gorgs! :sgrin: :batangel: Jk. Soon though. Don't want to do too much too soon. I want to make sure that my feeder is capable of sustaining them first.

The polyp extension on the blueberry is at 95% percent today which makes me extremely happy. Hatching some BBS to feed them tomorrow.

Oh and it is decided new tank size will definitely be a 150g...I have a 6ft long 48" deep space where my 55g planted will soon become GHOST. Need to decide footprint/custom. Too many decisions...

How did you get them to stick to the back?I have a lot to learn I am miles away from having a tank like that. Do you know of any book that goes into detail about corals like you have or any articles I should read? You seem to be doing a real good job or recreating a natural enviornment for your corals.Sorry if I ask too many questions on your thread,I want to learn a few things so when I finally start adding things to my tank I have a general Idea on whats going on.. Thanks

Frag glue.

Honestly, the best hobby related advice that has ever been given to me was to find a system/systems that you absolutely love and emulate aspects that will work with your system/vision. Take your time, research, read, fact check multiple sources, exert the maximum amount of patience, remember that things that may work for one person's system may not work for yours and fact check some more. Every single reefer that you speak to will have a different opinion or way of doing things. Some are self-proclaimed experts and took their badges off the back of a cereal box and have nothing to show for it and other's let their tanks speak for them...those are the ones to follow. I'm not trying to be funny or a smarta$$, but what I mean by that is if they give tons of advice without even a system to show for it...then there is no proof that their info is legit. Every reefer's system has it's ups and downs...listen to the ones that are willing to share and help steer you from making those same mistakes v.s. ones that pretend to have perfection when it doesn't exist for anyone. Those are the threads that I recommend that you research and follow. I am by no means an expert I'm still learning and still have a lot to learn about this hobby...so please keep this in mind.

In regards to books there are several that are highly recommended, but the hobby is always evolving and advancing. So read them and research current methods and decide what will work best for you.

"The Conscientious Marine Aquarist" by Robert M Fenner is a good one.

Google is also your friend.

When you asked about the coral food I linked to a thread that was split into two on RC because the recipe for this food contains sugar...which is a form of carbon dosing...which is something that you should fully understand before attempting. The original recipe used in Italy also contains HGH, which is illegal here in the states so I can't utilize it. Then there is also the requirement of amino acids to maximize the efficiency of this food.

I don't recommend it for everyone. I found it, read it, researched it and spun in into something that I'm making work for my system.

Most importantly never feel any question is stupid...because after all...not asking could be detrimental to your livestock...

Good luck with your build...
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are the gorgs ready for fragging by the time we meet at richie's...hint hint...jk! beautiful layout...making the most of your space. happy tank! i'm so lazy - i still haven't posted pics of my 125. :redface:


Advanced Reefer
Ridgewood Queens
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Thanks, the food thing I was curious about I dont even go through all that to feed my self. I guess its more of a trial and error thing Ill read something that took me a hour and the next day read something that says the first thing read is all wrong. I do know the tank has water in it so its a start.


Advanced Reefer
Brooklyn, NY
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are the gorgs ready for fragging by the time we meet at richie's...hint hint...jk! beautiful layout...making the most of your space. happy tank! i'm so lazy - i still haven't posted pics of my 125. :redface:

Hey you! Thank you! Grrrr...:shhh: Sorry "fragging" and "my brand new gorgs" are a foreign language that I do not understand right now...you'll have to give me some more time to drool over them first. lmao Is your daughter still doing a planted tank? Please lmk and I will bring her some easy to care for but beautiful mosses/plants if she's setup and cycled. We should talk before then...if she is...I'll hook her up with one of my d.i.y. paintball CO2 setups that are perfect for small planted tanks. You would just need a bubble counter and diffuser. Gotta support the mini-chick hobbyists too! Stop being lazy and post a thread and pics...please! Is it actually up and running or still working on the build?

Thanks, the food thing I was curious about I dont even go through all that to feed my self. I guess its more of a trial and error thing Ill read something that took me a hour and the next day read something that says the first thing read is all wrong. I do know the tank has water in it so its a start.

Lol. That is typical male talk right there. No offense. A lot of people feel it's too much work. This hobby takes a dedication, effort and tlc. You'll only get what you're willing to put into it. If you utilize what I said in the last post...you'll be fine.


Advanced Reefer
Brooklyn, NY
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Will you please stop teasing me? I am so in awe right now.

Awesome, awesome looking Gorgs. What a great job!


I'm sorry, Sunny! :lol_large I thought that you had a blueberry gorg? I know these are very difficult to keep alive and I'm just very excited to be getting this much PE on it for only having it in my system 24 hours and feeding it with a coral food/method that people think I'm nuts for attempting. I'm really hoping that they will thrive long term. Just elated...

Also, excited about documenting their progress along the way whether good or bad.
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Yay! Check the PE on it...right before lights out. **happy dance**



:bigeyes2::wow: beautiful piece!

kiele still has her planted guppy & neon nano 24. she has plenty of moss & hornwort. she not into the high tech. she just wants more guppy babies. any crypts or hygrophilia sunset or sagittaria? she even has a marumi ball. thx for your generosity. :hug:


Advanced Reefer
Brooklyn, NY
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:bigeyes2::wow: beautiful piece!

kiele still has her planted guppy & neon nano 24. she has plenty of moss & hornwort. she not into the high tech. she just wants more guppy babies. any crypts or hygrophilia sunset or sagittaria? she even has a marumi ball. thx for your generosity. :hug:


Shoot...no...I had some but got rid of them when I broke down a a few of my planted tanks when I got more into reefing. I do have dwarf sagittaria though and will bring her some. I love the look of marumi balls. I have one in my 20 planted/moss/shrimp tank. Of course you know to turn it on a regular basis to maintain it's round shape? Does she have or like subwassertang? It grows in excess in my 20 that I'm not running C02 on b/c of the shrimp.

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