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Paul B

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I was in the hobby before I met my wife so she knew it was and would always be my hobby.
Of course she was my hobby also.
Do you remember what your your brother was in nam?
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Advanced Reefer
Brooklyn, NY
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I was in the hobby before I met my wife so she knew it was and would always be my hobby.
Of course she was my hobby also.

Awww...how beautiful! Hopefully, I'll get the chance to meet you guys in the near future.

I was only into fw when I was with the ex...so it wasn't nearly as time consuming as sw...so I can only imagine what he'd have to say now. Another reason I'm glad he's an ex. lol My boyfriend understands that he will go before my tanks or my dog and has made a few frag/equipment purchases here and there because he tries to be supportive at times. Wish he was more into it, but I'll take what I can get. He'll look at the tanks and ask questions here and there, but it's obvious he'll never say "hey babe..let's go setup another tank!" Trying to talk him into going to Macna '13 with me. We'll see. I wouldn't trade him for nothing, regardless. :)


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Brooklyn, NY
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Paul B

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I read your Brother's profile. It sounds like he died from a grenade but I can't be sure. He was a machine gunner. We were there about the same time but I was there a few months later and I know where he was. So sorry.

He'll look at the tanks and ask questions here and there, but it's obvious he'll never say "hey babe..let's go setup another tank!"

My wife doesn't have much interest in the tank, but she loves to kill majanos with my invention. She bought me the tank and plenty of the livestock and pumps. Two days ago she bought me a clam. We are married 39 years so she had a lot of time to shop for me. We are still best friends and like some of the same things.

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Old School Reefer
Far Rockaway
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Hi Paul, your better half is as lovely as ever!! Please say hello for me.:hug:

So, MGE now that you will be feeding Paul's way; will your feeder work? I would think that the feeder needs for the food to be very fine.

Paul B

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MGE now that you will be feeding Paul's way;
Hello there Awilda, and how are you today?

I am not sure GreenEyes can feed my way. Her tank is very clean and you really can't just pick one thing out of my methodiology and have good luck with it. Especially for mandarins which need a lot of fresh, preferably live food. If she builds that feeder, which I am sure she can do in 10 minutes, and she hatches brine shrimp every day, as she certainly knows how to do, then she may be spawning some mandarins.
As you know, I cheat and dump in stuff from the ocean but your tank has to be very healthy to do that and it may take a while to get it to that point. Fish will live for many years even if they are not in optimal condition but they won't spawn or be in spawning condition. That is the condition you need to get them in before you go and dump in life from the sea or you may have a disease problem on your hands, or on the fishes hands anyway. OK fins.


Advanced Reefer
Brooklyn, NY
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So, MGE now that you will be feeding Paul's way; will your feeder work? I would think that the feeder needs for the food to be very fine.

I am not sure GreenEyes can feed my way. Her tank is very clean and you really can't just pick one thing out of my methodiology and have good luck with it. Especially for mandarins which need a lot of fresh, preferably live food. If she builds that feeder, which I am sure she can do in 10 minutes, and she hatches brine shrimp every day, as she certainly knows how to do, then she may be spawning some mandarins.
As you know, I cheat and dump in stuff from the ocean but your tank has to be very healthy to do that and it may take a while to get it to that point. Fish will live for many years even if they are not in optimal condition but they won't spawn or be in spawning condition. That is the condition you need to get them in before you go and dump in life from the sea or you may have a disease problem on your hands, or on the fishes hands anyway. OK fins.

It would be awesome to feed Paul's way to a "T," but I don't have the reefer cojones yet to add to my tank from local waterways...again yet. You never know...you can't argue with something that's been tried/true/proven for 40+ years. There are a lot of opinions about everything in this hobby...I tend to go for methods that are tried/true.

Still feeling like crap...worse instead of better...just don't feel like thinking/going in depth right now...just wanted to say I'm not ignoring you guys. Will touch back when I'm feeling better. Tank is on auto pilot until then...

Paul B

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...I tend to go for methods that are tried/true.

Which ones are those? :cool:

Still feeling like crap...worse instead of better
Green Eyes, whats the problem? Maybe you have the Flu. I hope not. I am going for a flu shot this morning.
I am not touching my computer screen so I don't catch it from anyone on here

Awilda, I set up a new tank, it is not exactly a nano or Pico, I call it an Inco as it is only an ounce.
I did have one set back, a tank crash. No, literally the entire set up crashed on the floor but I managed to save the live rock and it is back running, I hope It doesn't go through a mini cycle again.
I turned off the circulation for the picture but for circulation I use a wooden Coralife air stone.
For heat I use a 50 watt titanium heater set to 79 degrees.
For filtration I went with a Vortex XL diatom filter to remove any hazziness in the water.
It may also help remove ich as will the Aquazone Plus 200 ozonizer with ORP probe.
As you can see there is a refugium with caulerpa and I have an automatic Vodka dosing system which I may have over done a bit.
Fot livestock I was going to stock it with mandarins, I decided against the ribbon eel but may reconsider in the future.
I appreciate your comments and suggestions as I am a Noob.
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Advanced Reefer
Brooklyn, NY
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I'm good Paul!!

MGE, I hope & pray you'll be better soon!:hug::cheekkiss: I am finally over my bout, just dealing with the laryngitis.;)

Thanks Awi! :hug:

Which ones are those? :cool:

Green Eyes, whats the problem? Maybe you have the Flu. I hope not. I am going for a flu shot this morning.
I am not touching my computer screen so I don't catch it from anyone on here

Awilda, I set up a new tank, it is not exactly a nano or Pico, I call it an Inco as it is only an ounce.
I did have one set back, a tank crash. No, literally the entire set up crashed on the floor but I managed to save the live rock and it is back running, I hope It doesn't go through a mini cycle again.
I turned off the circulation for the picture but for circulation I use a wooden Coralife air stone.
For heat I use a 50 watt titanium heater set to 79 degrees.
For filtration I went with a Vortex XL diatom filter to remove any hazziness in the water.
It may also help remove ich as will the Aquazone Plus 200 ozonizer with ORP probe.
As you can see there is a refugium with caulerpa and I have an automatic Vodka dosing system which I may have over done a bit.
Fot livestock I was going to stock it with mandarins, I decided against the ribbon eel but may reconsider in the future.
I appreciate your comments and suggestions as I am a Noob.

OMG!! Paul, that looks exactly like my tank! Stop stealing my crappy noob methods!! lol

Will touch back with answers to your questions later...I hope I haven't insulted you in any way. You have my utmost respect and I do have a lot of things to reconsider with my plans. So please be patient with me because I will be pestering you often for your advice. lol

Definitely the flu...just finished taking medicine and drinking some hot green tea...going back to bed to rest and try to shake this...my kid's/reef/pets need me. :(


Advanced Reefer
Brooklyn, NY
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So, MGE now that you will be feeding Paul's way; will your feeder work? I would think that the feeder needs for the food to be very fine.

I am not sure GreenEyes can feed my way. Her tank is very clean and you really can't just pick one thing out of my methodiology and have good luck with it. Especially for mandarins which need a lot of fresh, preferably live food. If she builds that feeder, which I am sure she can do in 10 minutes, and she hatches brine shrimp every day, as she certainly knows how to do, then she may be spawning some mandarins.
As you know, I cheat and dump in stuff from the ocean but your tank has to be very healthy to do that and it may take a while to get it to that point. Fish will live for many years even if they are not in optimal condition but they won't spawn or be in spawning condition. That is the condition you need to get them in before you go and dump in life from the sea or you may have a disease problem on your hands, or on the fishes hands anyway. OK fins.

Which ones are those? :cool:

Feeling better and more motivated than ever...I refuse to let anyone or anything take me down...

To try to tackle all of these questions as simply as possible...

Obviously every tank/system is different in the sense that certain things that may work for one system...may not work with another. I understand that and am pulling things that will work for my tank. I'm pulling certain things that spark my interest and curiosity from several systems that I feel are tried and true...aged...mature...beautiful...healthy systems. Paul's is one of them. I'm taking things such as the live black worms, culturing brine, seeding my system with pods...just from my cultures v.s. his source, feeding his fish with the live clams, etc.

In tank related news:

Both 30g refugiums are fishless...the pod population is insane and I plan to seed them on a regular as well as culture some tisbe pods. The 30g's will most likely be stocked with some cool/different inverts. I also feed live phyto to the system in small amounts daily.

I made the pappone recipe last night...it looks insanely disgusting and I managed to gross out the babies and manchild with it which was freakin' awesome. lmao

I pulled tidbits from Paul by using head on shrimp with the guts intact, used the clam/oyster "juice", etc. I gently rinsed the blender after with RO and added it to the mixture to make sure that I didn't lose any of the "good stuff."
I also blended...then chilled...then blended several times until I had the right consistency without "cooking" the mixture. Part of saving the good stuff is by not "cooking" the mixture by over heating it/over blending it at once because you want to keep it as cold as possible. All seafood was live...everything cost less than $10 for about 2L of food. My sodium alginate will arrive on Wednesday which will prevent the mixture from settling.

I finished the continuous feeder tonight and it is kick a$$! I'm so in love with it! Except I wish it was a Pepsi fridge...Coke SUCKS! Lol Keep in mind that the pappone recipe is more of a "coral food" than to feed the fish. I will be implementing Paul's method of feeding my fish the live clams. I already feed my mantis fresh seafood...she loves shrimp...no pun intended, scallops, clam, oyster, mussels, squid, etc.

Tried to locate some live black worms to start trying to culture...which was unsuccessful. I found some info on culturing them that sounds as if it's been successful for quite a few.

So, I will be culturing live:

*rotifers (when it's time)
*tisbe pods

I've also seen that there are many out there that have been successful feeding prawn roe and Nutrimar Ova to their mandarins as well. I've been feeding Ova for a while now and the fish go nuts over it.

The d.i.y. continuous feeder is done! Expanding foam has to cure for 8 hours before I can fire it up. Food for the feeder made.

Drilled a 5/16 hole through the back cover and through the fridge wall. The back cover covers the expanding foam on the outside, so you can't see the ugly a$$ foam. So from the outside...fridge looks unchanged.



Foam hidden by cover:


Line for the enternal pump ran through the back cover:


Upgraded my ATO reservoir to a 20g brute trash can...evaporation was a bish! I was having to replace 5g buckets every other day. However, since the sump sits on the floor under my DT, it was gravity feeding the sump through the aqualifter. Talked the issue over with a couple reefer buddies yesterday and I'll be running my ato line into my overflow so that the output is above the waterline in the brute. Problem solved.


Advanced Reefer
Brooklyn, NY
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I can't wait to see how the feeder works out and how you solve the problem of the food getting stuck, (and rancid) in the tubing.
Looks like a great idea.
Keep up the building and the pictures.

Thank you! It shouldn't be a problem since the pump will be running at regular intervals. The distance the food will travel from fridge=>pump=>tank will be really short since this contraption will be right above the tank and the output from the rotor to the water will be about 4" or so. If it had to travel a great distance or if the pump was only running twice a day or so, then I'd be concerned. Since it'll be running hourly to feed the NPS, mainly, then I'm not worried. Hell, I could always grab some pipe insulation...I forget the proper name/type I'm talking about...but it has a "foil/reflector stuff" and foam to help maintain the chill.

This guy has used those same measures very successfully for a decent amount of time...though the thread hasn't been updated recently:


Hopefully, I'll be able to do a test run with the feeder tonight, but will update once it's setup and running. :)

Edit: Could also give the feed line a distilled vinegar flush once a month or so...
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Advanced Reefer
Brooklyn, NY
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Very inovative

Thank you, Paul! :)

Finally received the sodium alginate today. It's about $30 for 16oz., but it'll last forever...only needs about a 1/4tsp. per batch. I'll be working on the system this weekend, finish piecing everything together and do a test run on the continuous feeder. Trying to figure out the nicest looking method to place/mount the feeder above the tank.

The good stuff for the food mixture...



Advanced Reefer
Brooklyn, NY
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Made some Pappone for the freezer with some scrap egg crate, a baking sheet coated w/ wax paper and some plastic clamps since the recipe makes way more than I can use for my system before it spoils in the fridge. Was able to make the cubes a little more uniform by tamping down the baking sheet and by using a small offset spatula.

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Advanced Reefer
Brooklyn, NY
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Happy Holidays everyone!

Hooked up the continuous feeder yesterday...corals are loving it!! I was impatient and just set one of those little shelves bridged between the 40B and top 30G to set the mini fridge/pump above the tank. Shhh...lol. I'll fix it as soon as I find a viable non-ugly/ghetto solution.

The "Pappone" is being fed through one line and I mixed a small amount of Kent Marine Zoe and some AlgaGen Coral Smoothie in the second line for now.

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