I just hooked up my Apex ALD (Advance Leak Detection Module) and this thing is awesome. Easy to program.
As soon as it detects water it turns off my:
Return Pump
All my reactor pumps
Skimmer Pump
Then email and texts me.
Thanks. It's really starting to take off. Even though the lights are not enough for it. I have the Ati 6 bulbs in a slant upwards to cover the tank since its 30" wide and this Ati Led powermodule is taking forever. I need that 8 bulb fixture.
Also thanks Tony. Glad you like it. The color on all the corals are really nice.
You could only do so much with chalices. They usually grow flat instead of up, and take up too much real estate. Even though they're a incredible coral. I love the color of sticks and growth patterns.