Went to coral theory and got these,also picked up this beautiful onyx from clown aquatics.When I was floating the bag my naked clown went right up to it,when the onyx was put in the tank they started swimming together instantly.Got this blasto a green mushroom a torch frag and a gsp.they started to open within a few hrs .Did a 5 gallon wc before I added everything.Did some tests ph=8.1 slightly lower than few days before which was 8.3 am=0 nitrite=0 nitrate=o wich was good was.02 few days before phos=.05 on hanna. my alk was little low at 6.0 and calc=490. Have slight gha so I got some advice to raise the height of my mh t5 which was at 10in over the tank I raised it to 14in..The light looks better at this height I think it reflects better.I was also told to shorten the m5 time.I had the bluse on 2 hrs on each end of the mh and the mhfor 7 hr which made a 11 hr cycle.I am going to do 3 hrs blue 4hrs mh 3hrs blue which will give me 10 hr cycle.I have 2-150mh and 4 39w th on a 40 breeder so if anyone else wants to chime in with some advice on the lighting cycle please do.Its finally starting to look and act like a tank with life,I get a kick out of watching the nassaurius snails pop out of the sand as soon as you feed the tank.I programed the mp 10s with a tidal cycle which the corals seem to like especially the monti cap,that piece has come to life since I did that and I am getting better color and pe by the day.My girlfriend is starting to love the tank especially the 2 clowns,she evens looks at coral pics with me and says get this get that.With the help from lots of people that help me here I am slowly starting to find my way with this tank.Its been really enjoyable learning and watching this tank come to life.I am finally getting to the point where I stop second guessing everything with the tank,I am starting to just do things which I think is right after I ask a thousand questions and just seeing what happens and adjust..