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Advanced Reefer
Bellmore, NY
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I can't help but share...



Advanced Reefer
Bellmore, NY
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That was after 34 days...there was literally a humungous turd on that swabbie..love that thing!

The blenny is settled in. He found himself a nice hole where he can watch me and whats going on. He reminds me of the fish in the cat in the hat.

The harlequin is missing for now but he skulked away into some cave. Hope he enjoys the feast :)



Advanced Reefer
Bellmore, NY
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Yeah 34 days! Little longer then I usually go but my swabbie takes care of things on its own :)

Found the harlequin under a ledge in the back of my tank. Almost went blind trying to watch him. But he was sitting there munching on an upside down asterina. Awesome!!


Advanced Reefer
Bellmore, NY
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So let's see. Been a month since the last update. Got my harley a mate the following week. They are great together. Still have plenty of asterina's but they are definitely making a dent. They look much bigger. At least they are taking their time. Zoas been much happier. A lot less blood sucking starfish leachers hanging out on them.

I added the marco rocks I bought at Nerac. I havent gotten any good FTS shots with it yet. I'm really happy how it came out, but my microphthalma is pretty bleached. It's still got good PE but not happy how white he looks.

I placed an order from Woo's Aquatics on eBay. The service was excellent. The frags were larger than expected and overall very happy. Price was right too!

I got a really colorful chalice. My pics dont do it justice.



I also got a nice two branch purple photosynthetic gorgonian and a nice frag of fire and ice pallys and blue sympodium.

Today I added a few fish. We lost the bicolor blenny we had for about 2 weeks and i thought i lost my red firefish...she didnt want to come out for dinner past few nights and we were away for a week last week. Anyway, one purple firefish, one candy hog, and a new bi-color blenny. I'll have to get a shot at him later. He's been sitting on the bleached acro I mentioned earlier since i put him in. The candy hog and firefish went hiding in the rocks. Thats when red firefish was found later..

Anyway, everything else is doing well. I need to do a water change soon. It's been a month. Have to test params as well. Alk/cal have been steady although the last test was low. I'm hoping it was an anomoly. I am very curious to know where my phos/nitrates are at.

Macro is growing crazy but also a lot of cyano down in the fuge that i need to clean out. My glass however is pretty amazing. I clean it every 6-8 days. It is still pretty clean when i do it bit snail trails make it blurry.


Advanced Reefer
Bellmore, NY
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Thanks guys, just wait till I mount everything thats pending and get that marco rock covered.

The new blenny has found a nice perch at the top of the tank. The firefish has been poking it's head out at mealtime. The hogfish was finally spotted a few times today in the rock work. I'm hoping these guys can get comfy for a while. Hope my other firefish comes out soon too.

Happy Memorial Day everyone and thanks to those who have served.


Advanced Reefer
Bellmore, NY
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Just got back from the Bellmore Memorial Day Parade! Trying to teach my son some gratitude for all the service men and women who put their lives on the line for us.

Hogfish was swimming around today so I fed everybody. He definitely had no problem holding his own and getting some mysis. Purple firefish is in a burrow in my zoa garden. Munching on everything floating down into the burrow. Hopefully it'll come out soon... :( Still haven't seen the red firefish since that last glimpse when I came home with these newbies.

The blenny is awesome. He's got these white stripes all down his body. He hangs out like he's always been here. Love the blenny personality.


Advanced Reefer
Bellmore, NY
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So the hogfish has definitely been getting used to the tank and the purple fire fish has started coming out during feeding time. Still a bit jumpy. Blenny is finding lots of spots to chill. Under my purple stylo, on the frag rack and his usual up on the mag rock. Nem split today too.


Advanced Reefer
Bellmore, NY
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Finally did a maintenance night and got a lot done. Everything clean and shiny now. Tested also. All parameters are inline:

Alk 140ppm
Cal 420ppm
Mag 1360ppm
Phos 0.02ppm
Nitrate 16ppm
Salinity 35ppm
pH 8.1
Temp 78

That was before my water change. It was 44 days since last WC.

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