Most of them started as frags in your tank! Thank you again man.
YEAH!!!:smoker: :pimp:now go to shauns and take some underwater pics for him
As of now I can still pick boogers larger than my corals. So no fts just yet and Im lazyDo you have a full shot?
This needs to the next TOTS just for the equipment setup.
Deltec whore :lol2:
YEAH!!!:smoker: :pimp:
Beautiful pic/shots Herman!
Very Very nice Herm!!!! Looks awesome! See how easy it is when you have a good skimmer
I demand you change your sig line :smash:
You forgot the magic key for immediate entry (hint it rhymes with "deer"), :lol2: .Im coming with shears and maybe a cam:Up_to_som, but you would be better off with Jhale or Pedro doing the shooting
For real, maybe if they dropped them by 50%.When Deltec lowers their prices
You forgot the magic key for immediate entry (hint it rhymes with "deer"), :lol2: .
Anytime Herman, .
you would be better off with Jhale or Pedro doing the shooting
If you want to switch your returns to black PVC, I have a bunch left over from my plumbing job.