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Garry thomas

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some new pics


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Garry thomas

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My 400's have now been running 4 months, i am very pleased to say the least. My acro's have gone nuts, the growth is very good and colouration has improved dramatically. I'll post some more pics soon.
I've only added one new fish which is a mimic tang(lemon peel) which the yellow tangs beat terribly, but he's now settled in and they have finally excepted him. My moorish idol , i'm going to get rid of as he's gone very large, and i will get another juv. I'm also going to catch my sailfin tang, he's gone huge and really looks out of place compared with the others.


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Hello Gary
Things are coming on nicely by the look of it.

However I don't understand why you want to get a new juv idol if you are getting rid of the one you have now because it is too big.
A new juv idol also will grow to big as well so are you going to keep getting rid of the idols when they get to a certain size and keep replacing them I just don't understand ?.
Who are you going to keep passing on the idols too when they get to big for you.
Why don't you get fish that grow to there full size that won't be to big ?


Garry thomas

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Martyn i dont know why i said that m8, i'm actually getting rid of my idol, because i've seen it pecking at lps corals. It wont be replaced, with another. I've now got a digi camera, so more pics very soon, after i work it out :roll:

Garry thomas

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Here's a little update, a few fish have been sold
Moorish idol
LRG sailfin tang
clown tang
coral beauty
regal tang
2 Lrg green chromis (thats all i could catch)
Most of my big leather's have gone, making room for more Sps, although i will be keeping some softies, as i think they give the tank movement.
Also on the temp front, i've just installed a 16inch fan, over the one side of the sump. Managing to hold around 27 27.5.


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Very impressive to say the least buddy. I do agree with you that ot looks better with the new lighting. It seems you have gotten rid of some of the redundant lighting as well and kept only thr halides and some VHO.

As far as your fan over the sump, you may notice it will start to get damped with water condensation everywhere and may even cost you a hige power failure by tripping circuit breakers. Mine was not even over the sump, but rather a couple of feet back from it and it did it. Something to keep in mind.

Most impressive number of fish. Eventually that is what I am trying to build to, but given I am moving in 6 months I won't add anything else. I will be moving to the other end of the country, so I may not even set up my tank again for a couple of months.

That is one smart way of catching fish. I will try it since there are 2 fish I need to get rid of (rabbit fish). One is huge and the other ate every mushroom and zooanthid in the tank. They need to go!!!!

Garry thomas

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Just to keep you up to speed on things, i have had the tape measure out. And decided to add another 90gals (english) to the system. By plumbing in my w/c tank. A 30" cube. I will have to partially strip it to get it drilled, so will start this project very soon. I have also fitted 2x 6100 tunzes and a 7094 controller, the differance is quite remarkable.


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<sigh> Entirely admirable, mate, you're truly dedicated. Color me green. And, btw, that tank rivals the reef tank at the Long Beach Aquarium of the Pacific (a 5,000gal. U.S. display).

Garry thomas

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Seamaiden, i try my upmost to constantly strive and improve the setup. Trouble is tho, i'm slowly running out of ideas :roll: :lol:


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All I can say is

8O 8O

What a masterpiece. You must be quite proud (and broke! :twisted: )

Garry thomas

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I'm no stranger to being broke. :lol: A couple of updates, this weekend i drilled my water change tank (90 gals) and have now plumbed it in with the main system. No leaks, and all is fine. Also this week i will be putting in 15 more anthius. Here's a pic below, before it was on line. so water comes down from left weir, and then flows through 3 pipes to the fuge at the other end of the cabinet.


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