So my tank took a pretty bad hit this time. Most of the SPS seems okay (surprisingly) but my LPS is looking pretty bad. I'll have to see how bad the damage is when the lights come on.
I completely lost my open brain. Looks like it happened recently as the skeleton is really white - no algae at all. One set of acans is bleached some. I lost a chunk of a small pink lobo off of the side. Half of my hammer coral is dead. Blue candycanes also look a little bleached. Oddly SPS seems to be fine. All has grown. Bottlebrush and Tort seem to have lost a little color, but that seems to be the only issue.
I need to do some testing, but I have two theories:
1) Temperature problems. When I got home, my tank was at 71 degrees because my tank caretaker left the window wide open. She told me that it was getting really hot, so I told her to crack the window since I had to take my chiller offline due to the crack in my sump before I left (not enough pumps to run everything; not enough time to replumb properly). But she opened the window WIDE open. I think there were probably some serious temperature swings.
2) I have to assume my phosphates have spiked (from die off maybe?). I have a really ugly algae bloom all over my sand.
I need to do some tests, but I'm only in town for the night then I leave again for four days. I've done some stop-gap tank maintenance and I'll take care of it better when I get back on Monday. :sad2: Stupid hobby.
All things considered being away from the tank for a month & an open window..looks really great! Sorry you lost the brain..
I'm sure you'll have the algae under control in no time!!
I often get the best growth after I've been away for a while (you know, on the things that make it). I think it's because I'm not constantly putting my grimy paws in the tank.