looks great......keep up the good work...my dendro now has 3 heads and a baby....LMK when you want a frag....you will need to help me with the actual fragging.
I'm giving coralife a try, I've heard great things about it, and seen the results. it had the best of what I want and the least of what I do not want in the last salt study.
I debated within myself as to whether or not I was going to post this, but for the sake of complete-ness in my tank thread, I will.
My newest addition:
G. lamarck
And before the angel police get all up in my face, I do realize that this fish will outgrow my tank in a few months. I will be dealing with that when it comes around. In the meantime, she is very happy and appropriated the cave that my royal gramma used to sleep in.
Also, this solves the question as to whether my female pylei would attack any fish, or just wrasses. She didn't even flash at the angel. Of course, she's bigger than the pylei is, so maybe she's just hedging her bets.
My Salifert PO4 kit is still tinting slightly blue, which I know means my phosphates are probably over .1 The cyano and bryopsis growth have slowed down a lot (particularly the cyano) but it still hasn't been eradicated. I know that both of those will grow in absence of phosphates, but still. My leathers are not opening up really big and some of my SPS is not coloring as fast as I would like. I know my water quality could be better.
Very nice. I have a Lamarcks as well. Yours looks like she is doing very well. I have had mine since November. Is she a new addition, or just a new photo as her coloration looks strong. The blue highlights get deeper as they settle in, and are almost an "electric blue" on the edge of the fins.