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Well, like the tides or sunrise, it was inevitable and I caved to my impulses and started another tank. I decided to go with a low rent "ghetto" style, mostly made up of used parts, etc. This was both financially easier, and a whole lot of fun so far to put together.

It's a standard 20, corner drilled with a 3/4" drain on an iron stand. I'm using a rubbermaid tub for the sump, and found out the hard way that the sides are curved, which made putting the sump partitions in a nightmare. I've used four of them, three for the bubble trap and one on the pump side. There is a decent amount of space for a planned refugium. I have a used Mag5 for the 1/2" return. On both the drain and return I've got ball valves (thanks for the help Wazzel, muchos thankos amigo). The overflow was my first and likely last attempt at freehand cutting acrylic (yes Bingo, I know you said make a jig :oops: ). It's kinda rough looking but once it gets covered in corraline it will look fine.

I plan a DIY skirt for the bottom of the stand as this tank is in my bedroom so I'll need to do something or live with the 'fuge light being on reverse 24. Speaking of lighting, I have a Coralife 2 x 65watt fixture I got used, it has dual controls and four fans. I've got 50/50 10,000k/actinic lamps for it so the light should be adequate for most stuff I plan on keeping. Have eggcrate for the top, and a small raised wooden stand to keep the fixture up a bit.

Will need to pickup a new skimmer, I got the used Seaclone in the pics on a trade but it's too darn big and I hate the thought of HOB'ing it and cluttering the main tank. I see that the Tunze 9002 is coming out soon and that would do the trick nicely. I also have 60lbs of fine aragonite sand I got from a guy, new in the package(s) so that will be the substrate.

So far the cost has been $175 or so. I plan on using dead cheapo rock to build the structures I want and seed it with some good quality live rock. The planned stocking list is one (or a pair ifI can find them) of Yashia gobies+pistol shrimp as centerpiece fish. Coral must haves will be zoas, palys, rics and a few smaller frags of LPS to be determined.

Thanks to all of you who tried their damnest to get me to do this the "right" way :lol: but as most of you know I am totally bassackward when it comes to plumbing and hardware. Heck, I'm just happy it holds water :lol: . Feel free to post up in this thread as long as you're not too critical of my lack of finesse ;)


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You better put a piece of ply wood under that sump. The weight of the water will cause it to bend between the bars of the stand and it will fail over time. IF you do not have access to the wood or some on to cut it for you a cutting board or two from wal mart would do the trick. They may actually ber better if you get the heavy plastic ones, they will not rot like wood will do over time.


Yeah, I kinda thought that might happen too. I already have a large piece of 1 inch plywood cut to size and painted it to seal the wood. Thanks Mark, you da engineering dude!


All that for UNDER $200?? Damn, girl..! I'm imPRESSED. :D


:) $100 of that was the new lamps for the fixture and the misc. plumbing parts. The rest I wheeled and dealed a bit ;)


Off to a nice start. As far as the Tunze 9002, we're talking the tunze nano model yes? Pretty sure that one's actually been out for a few years now... unless you're talking about a redesign or something? No direct experience with it but I did use a Tunze 9010 and thought pretty highly of it.... it was definitely overkill on the 40 gallon tank I had it on.

So how soon til you get the rocks in?


cjdevito":ffuh193o said:
Off to a nice start. As far as the Tunze 9002, we're talking the tunze nano model yes? Pretty sure that one's actually been out for a few years now... unless you're talking about a redesign or something? No direct experience with it but I did use a Tunze 9010 and thought pretty highly of it.... it was definitely overkill on the 40 gallon tank I had it on.

So how soon til you get the rocks in?

Yeah, the Tunze has been out. The new Sapphire was the one I was thinking of. As far as the next step, it'll probably be a few weeks as I've got my knee surgery a week from today, and I don't know as of yet how long until I will be recuperating.


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Hey Tracy,
Looking good!!! Makes me want to start a new tank.......wait, what...darn it!!!

Have fun :wink:


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Lookin' sweet. 8)

That's very good work for that budget. Looking a lot smarter than a lot of ghetto efforts.

PS: impressed I made it topside? :wink:


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It went well, the bottom line is my knee was trashed on the inside, extensive cartilage and ACL damage so he basically trimmed and patched what he could. Overall, given the past surgeries it is in remarkably good shape, and he is confident I will have far less pain and have pretty good function. Thanks for asking :D


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Glad the surgery went well

I do agree (as you do) that the plywood would be a good idea to spread around the sump weight.

Just an idea. If you have problems with the partitions, a smaller plastic tub inside the sump can serve the same purpose as a partition.

just a thought and it looks good.

my .02


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Thanks beaslbob, what I did with the partitions was to take 1/8" acrylic and using a small tile nipper rounded the necessary edges so they do fit. It ain't purty, but functional nonetheless.


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Time for an update. Had my first flood (don't ask LOL) and got all the base rock epoxied together into the basic structure I wanted. Due to the digging of the pistol shrimp everything on the bottom is solidly glued together so he can't topple things. I built the structure in 3 sections so if I ever have to remove it I can. There are approx. 15lbs of dead base and 20lbs of fine sand for substrate. The last picture has the addition of 12lbs of good live rock I picked up. I also got about a pound of live substrate from the LFS, some went into the main but most into the sump. Mental note to self, when putting live substrate in that is full of mulm and gunk turn off the pumps! The tank was cloudy for a full 24hrs afterwards :oops:

On the right side of the tank (in the last picture) those live rocks are just piled there during the cycle, they have some nice corraline on them. Once it spreads, I'll prolly move them down into the sump. I like the open look of the base rock, once it's filled in with coral it should look nice. For the moment I put that Seaclone skimmer I got as a HOB in the main tank, its putting out some nice dry foam, but I can't seem to get it to skimm wet and it's throwing some awful microbubbles. Next I've got to DIY some sort of a stand cover for that sump so I can rig a light over the refugium part. I can do that without the cover, but running the light on a reverse 24 might make sleeping a little difficult.


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I was gonna suggest you use the lid to the sump for prevent the bowing and to reinforce the container. Looks like you already figured that one out. :lol:

You could cut out the center of the lid to allow the light to shine through, provide mounting for the lights, while still strengthing the container.



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That is the plan if I decide to go with macro in the sump, just cut and retrofit the lid to accomodate a fixture :D

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