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Queens, NY
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Do they allow solar power in your neck of the woods? That should be able to suppliment some of the energy cost, but I am not sure how your property is situated.

Nice tank, I have a 120 aswell, but it is FW. Looking forward to see your creation blossom.


Barnum Island
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Appreciate all the nice comments :)
Chris - thanks and I'd be happy to.
Steven -is it still in the garage??
Jesus - I got them through JC Aquatics (here on the island, they have a website). I love em, there are only 2 sets of 4 but you can add more to the string. Dirt cheap and a really nice effect at night! Thanks for the nice things you said about my yard...rather proud of that :) Ah gardening..yet another hobby of mine. LMK if you want help with the mesh cover!
Ming- trying to save $ on electricity and would not like to shorten my 3 1/2 hour light period any further. The T5's have to be cheper to run?!
Carpe-- I'm well situated for solar power but that initial outlay of $ to install is staggering. I also have FW tanks..6 of 'em. Can we see some pics of your FW?? Do a search, I think there is a FW tank thread around here somehwere :)

Going to actually do some gluing tonight..should have pics up later (Chief ;) )


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instead of alternating the lights I would run the T5 longer and the MH shorter.
i think shaun was cutting back his MH to 2 hours a day to help with heat and E costs. I hear you on the E bill I got the same one, what can you do? either run the AC or be sweaty, also I did not want my cats to melt into a furry puddle :meow:


Barnum Island
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Unfortunately no A/C down here in the basement and my :meow: are smart enought to stay upstairs where it is cooler..and way less humid.

I am going to run the T5's longer & the MH's for a shorter period, did some reading and the 2 hours for the halides looks like it shouldn't affect the corals negatively. I just cringe when the chiller wants to come on also..

Still gluing, didn't realize I had so many corals..lol. Will update again when they're all in place.
Did want to post some updated pics since I got my Purple Tang and Chromis's last night from Slama...oh and that Watermelon Chalice thing..lol, though mine is too small for pics yet. :( In time...
By tomorrow I'll have the torch that is coming from Jorge along with another chalice through Steve. Still need to place the Cabbage coral and frogspawn..a work in progress.

Here's the progress to date

Cave side - left

Right side.. I want to move the rock in the back that makes this look so straight on the left side, need to pick up another rock or two.

I need to tske better pics and move those PH's..

Maybe some close up's tomorrow after the rest of the corals are placed and I get rid of the microbubbles:frown:


Pek-P3K LicK3I2
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Kathy very nice aquascaping :)... I give you all the props!.. Nice work and pls update us with new pics ( close up )... I wish you luck on this 120 and hope that one day it will be TOTS :)..

I see you got a flame angel hmmm .. I hate angels lol...

Met with Jorge so he has your frags.. hope that u will like that chalice as I was going to swith it with the one I got :D...


Barnum Island
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Thanks Steve, just spoke to Jorge and will be heading into the city shortly to pick up the pieces..can't wait to see the chalice!!

:kiss: thanks for ordering them!!

(so far) my flame has been a good reef citizen, doesn't hurt that I keep her stuffed with food, so she doesn't pick. The fish is positively rotund..lol
Yup, I'll get some close up shots soon :)


Barnum Island
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Some close ups...

This is the only Aussie acan that I have that has done well

This guy is still coloring up, definitely has potential to be a beauty

Blue Blastos? (..or what are they?) There are 13 on here front & back

New chalice from Ultimate Frags - Steve posted a much better pic of it on his eyecandy thread

This came from Cloud from a while back, I think he has the same one up on the For Sale thread again

Yuma collection -- they all made the tank switch in good health!

Sun Coral..lots of new babies recently

I was given 2 polyps of these from a NJ reefer and they are multiplying like crazy..we call them Mangled Greens since they've been through a lot. Nice color!

More acans...

Another chalice..this came from Alti's Reef. I expect this to become a showpiece as it grows.

Thanks for looking!


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Kath, a true inspiration to look at. I hope to make the 120 look half as nice as yours. but the $$$ is tight so Im still going slow & keeping my eyes open for deals.


Barnum Island
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Dex- The 120 is the one at the Nursing home? Let me know when you're ready for a couple of frags for it ;)

I did a trade last week with Chris (loismustdie) for a bunch of T5 bulbs and WOW - what a difference! It was suggested I put in the 'Blue Plus' bulbs and finally my colors are popping again.(thx MG!) Still have to change out the other 2 in the rear actinic fixture.
I'll be taking more pics since I have color again, and now that all of the chalices have arrived & are getting comfortable...would like to follow their growth in this thread.

Made a few changes to the flow pattern & moved a couple of corals from my Cube into this tank. It's definitely coming together!


Barnum Island
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Roll onto your side Crox...
Thanks A!

New stuff:
Bought a doser this past week, thanks Pedro!
Will be looking to buy new MH bulbs in the next couple of weeks. The current Phoenix 14K 250's are just too blue, even after 6 months of use. Probably going with the Ushio 10K's now that I have supplemental actinics running and hope to see an increase in growth rates.
Added a few SPS to the tank (thanks Randy!)..though the Caps had a fight in the bag on the way home and the Purple cap won. Of course, it didn't help that I dropped the frag bag on the floor while I was at Pratt. Uh-oh. The 'water' in the bag was pure slime when I opened it..argh...
Going to move more of the zoas onto the overflows so I can easily frag them when I want, and I'll have more room for other types of coral.
Still gluing & tweaking :)

Took a ton of pics but no decent ones of the fish...that Purple Tang is quick!!
Got a new Clam! Need to figure out where I put my top-down box...

Thought this was an interesting thing..the tube on this mushroom is totally clear.

Tubs Blues, Atlantis Triple Reds..wonder where I got these from ? lol

Purple Hearts ..over to the far left are King Midas Zoas..they've grown for 2 polyps to 5 and also have a baby coming out.. :)

Yet another group of my zoas...can you have too many zoas?

Blue Kisses - multiplying nicely...6 you can easily see and 3 more babies

Hmmm..looks like a Watermelon Chalice Frag :)
When I first got this piece it was 2 separate pieces and they grew together in the last 2 weeks. I take pics of my WM chalice frags every couple of days to keep track of the progress. Will posts them in this thread in the next fews days.

Thanks for looking !
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Barnum Island
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Thanks Sarah :)

Spent today reaquscaping my cube..ended up with a bunch of those little white micro brittle stars..figured I'd drop them into this tank and put all the pods that came out of the rocks back into the cube.
Gathered them all up and dropped them in and ...wham...the Yellow Coris grabbed the entire group of them. One got away..and wham..the Dusky Wrasse got him...
I don't much like this food chain business sometimes...next time I'll put them in the sump.

A few pics of some new (and old) stuff..to say thanks to the nice folks I got them from :D

Multicolored frogspawn from Alex..thx!

Prattreef Duncans in exchange for a mesh cover for the BIG tank - Thanks Randy!!

A happy acan waiting for a meal to come along

Thanks Leo (Tripstank) ..by request - here's what it looks like open, color is more vibrant in person!

The next 2 are from Rick (NYreefNoob) Thanks Rick and to Johnny & Maggie (wolverine/ette) who drove up to Peekskill yesteday to pick up the wonderful pieces he bought and was nice enough to bring mine back so I could pick up in da Bronx!!

This thing is HUGE! (Moon coral)

Just took another look at this guy and his feeding tentacles are starting to come out..OMG...need to go move the clam out of the way...

Thanks for looking !!

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