It was just supposed to be a place to put corals I didn't feel like gluing down right away in my 120. If you recall, I have that fantastically beautiful Coris gaimard who flips over EVERYTHING that isn't nailed this seemed like a good idea....
ok,I admit it, I'm thoroughly least it took me 5 or 6 weeks before I decided it need to really be a reef tank
Sooo..since this is the Tank Thread I go!
12g Current Nano cube, got it from Chief hug..pc lighting, added a Koralia Nano pump, no heater , pleasing super special red/green/blue LED lights and a 12" strip of white LED lights from Wingo
A cute little blue skimmer (no idea of the brand) that I picked up from Ryan (DJOrion )a while back for another project...the inspiration from Ming and his Yellowheaded Jawfish that are too cute..AND a big fat Thank You to Dom (Domboski) for ordering the fish for me :hug: (more on that topic is SURE to appear on this thread soon)
Thanks guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Without further ado...
The newest tank
Fish No.1 much for my breaking up a bunch of rubble to make them the appropriate sized rock they need to build their burrows..they shot right into this 'home' that was premade...(I will end up naming these 2, supposed a piar, we'll see
Fish No. 2 has taken up residence in the rear..the heater is still there as I was trying to keep the tank up to temp last night while rearranging the 1 AM...
Close up - smile for the camera!
This is the neat little contraption they shipped the fish in..kept them nice and safe..
This is a sponge with interesting (I was told) zoas that grow on it..I will be moving this closer to the opening where they make their burrows as it does a great job catching the mysis.
More pics to come later & over the weekend..thanks for looking
ok,I admit it, I'm thoroughly least it took me 5 or 6 weeks before I decided it need to really be a reef tank
Sooo..since this is the Tank Thread I go!
12g Current Nano cube, got it from Chief hug..pc lighting, added a Koralia Nano pump, no heater , pleasing super special red/green/blue LED lights and a 12" strip of white LED lights from Wingo
A cute little blue skimmer (no idea of the brand) that I picked up from Ryan (DJOrion )a while back for another project...the inspiration from Ming and his Yellowheaded Jawfish that are too cute..AND a big fat Thank You to Dom (Domboski) for ordering the fish for me :hug: (more on that topic is SURE to appear on this thread soon)
Thanks guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Without further ado...
The newest tank
Fish No.1 much for my breaking up a bunch of rubble to make them the appropriate sized rock they need to build their burrows..they shot right into this 'home' that was premade...(I will end up naming these 2, supposed a piar, we'll see
Fish No. 2 has taken up residence in the rear..the heater is still there as I was trying to keep the tank up to temp last night while rearranging the 1 AM...
Close up - smile for the camera!
This is the neat little contraption they shipped the fish in..kept them nice and safe..
This is a sponge with interesting (I was told) zoas that grow on it..I will be moving this closer to the opening where they make their burrows as it does a great job catching the mysis.
More pics to come later & over the weekend..thanks for looking
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