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Paul B

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My 2 year old Cobalt, how ever you spell it, died. I really hate these things. Not just that one but all new pumps. My original, (American Made) pumps lasted for over 20 years, some 30 and some are still running from the 70s, non stop 24/7 with no problems.
This one that died. This one worked well for the short time I had it. It was a low voltage DC job. I tested the power supply and it is good. Then I cut the wire just before it went into the motor and it was getting power so I know it is toast.
I have a pump running my skimmer that is under my tank so I never see the thing. It is the oldest pump I have and I don't know the model and I can't see me crawling under there with a flashlight to look at it. If I shined a light on it, it may explode.
I ordered a new pump, I forget what kind and I don't think it matters because I think they are all made by the same guy in China. If I could find an American one, no matter how much it cost, I would buy it. But unfortunately there is no such thing and we are stuck with this kind of stuff.
Today I was cleaning out my garage and I came across a box that I had not seen in years. It was from our wedding shower. We have been married for 44 years so it is old. It is a avocado colored food mixer. In big letters it reads "Made in the USA" so I know it is old. It is still brand new in the box and was never taken out. :lol:
This thing is still running but it is only a few years old.

Paul B

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I think I am going to go back to these. I had 5 or 6 of them and they all lasted over 20 years running continuously with no problems. You don't even hardly ever have to clean them. The Propeller ones like the one that failed need a lot of maintenance and they don't last long at all. They also cost more.


Paul B

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I went to vote today in the New York primaries and when I went to the normal polling place, it was closed. So I called my town to ask where the voting place was. A woman got on the phone who barely spoke English and told me she didn't know where I should vote. This was the number you call for town information. So I went to my Village office and they said you vote right here. I said, How am I supposed to know that? She said, there is a sign on the pole out by the street. I went and looked. 100 yards away on a light pole there was this 8"X8" paper sign that said "No Parking, Polling place".
I think that's cruel.

Paul B

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I will be on the radio this friday (4/22/16) at 10:00am. It is the CW Post station on 88.1FM.
It is a Geezer station and I will be interviewed. Not really about fish, it's a station that caters to retired people (Geezers) and being I am retired and have so many interests, they will talk to me about how I spend my time as they want to get seniors interested in doing things after they retire instead of just watching TV and croaking. I am not really sure what we will discuss but I think it will be interesting. :scratch:


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Try to get an mp3 of the interview, and a quote from the host saying how you did, and submit it to the "public affairs" hosts of NYC stations for them to consider interviewing you. All AM and FM stations are required to have a local public affairs show; the hard part is finding out who is the host and what their email and phone numbers are. Go here and select New York, and then google each station to get their site, and then make contact:


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Hey that went great ...liked all your stories... I knew you would do just fine you have a lot on your plate ( hobbies) and you could still run circles around me that I am 48 ....lol

Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk

Paul B

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Thanks Cono. We just got home from Punta Cana in the Dominican Republic an hour ago and this is the first time I heard it.
The first half was hobbies and the second half is Viet Nam.
I did 2 dives in Punta Cana and I wasn't expecting much and I was correct. Diving there is much of a waste of time as there are almost no fish, very few corals and virtually no inverts except sea fans and gorgonians. I think it is the gorgonian capital of the world, but not much else. I will post some pictures but they are not impressive.

Paul B

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We went to a really nice all inclusive in Punta Cana in the Dominican Republic. We went there because our Daughter and Son in Law wanted us to come with them (to babysit) and that was the perfect place for us and the kids. They have a kids club with everything a little kid would want like giant hippopotamuses that spouted water and other things like Supermodels for me to look at. ( I particularly liked the Supermodel that was the singer) The place was great but the diving was not worth it at all. I knew diving there was going to be a waste, and it was not worth the effort to get wet. But it was very cheap, I guess that's why.
They came to get me on the beach with their "Dive Boat". Their "dive boat" was basically a 21 foot row boat with an outboard engine. No place to put anything including tanks and equipment that just rolled around in the bilge water of this very bare boat. If you had sun glasses, a camera, fine china or your best crystal it had to live on the bottom of this tiny boat under the tanks. There was no room for your feet so you hung them overboard. There were about 8 of us on the boat including the "driver" and the divemaster/GPS/depthfinder who stood at the front and pointed left or right so the "driver" didn't run over any swimmers near the beach as we were going full speed.
I was a little concerned because I was by far the oldest guy on the boat (as I normally am) and I didn't see any way to climb back on the thing after the dive. The freeboard (part of the boat above the water) was about 3' and there was no way for me to rocket myself out of the sea like a penguin to get back on this "boat". I asked about that and the divemaster ran up on the beach and produced this thing made from electrical tubing that he said would work as a ladder.
So we get to the site and tried to put on the equipment. I have been diving long before any of these guys were born but I need at least 8" around me to put on the equipment. It's not like you could stand up due to the 6' waves that people were surfing on right next to us.
I get on the equipment and happily throw myself into the water very excited to be off the "dive boat". I bob around a while banging my regulator in my hand trying to get it to stop free flowing for fear that I would run out of air before I sunk.
So we go down to the bottom which they told me was 45' deep. It looked much shallower. The first thing I noticed, was,,, well,,,, nothing. There is nothing there. Sea fans, more sea fans, other sea fans behind the first sea fans and an occasional gorgonian. I did manage to see "1" cowfish, "1" sharp nosed puffer and "1" trigger fish. We spent much of the "dive" looking for a place to tie the dive buoy (Clorox Bottle) to the bottom. That was the most exciting part of the both dives.
We got back on the boat by using the "ladder" and sailed about 100 yards to the second dive site. The second dive was a little better and had many more gorgonians. And in places where there were no gorgonians, there were more gorgonians. It was like a gorgonian warehouse. I think I saw a parrotfish but it may have been wishful thinking.
I fell asleep a couple of times and had to be woken up as I was drifting toward the bottom. I could have just walked on the bottom to shore as it would have been easier than climbing up the "ladder".
My GoPro camera croaked after a few shots but that didn't matter because how many sea fan pictures do you really need?
Flying back to the beach full of tourists at top speed was exhilarating because there was one or two of them that we didn't scare to death.
This is me with the "three" fish that we saw. I was clearly calling for someone with a spear gun to shoot me. :rolleyes:

And a gorgonian. I took this picture because I have a few of these gorgonians in my tank. Maybe they "escaped" from there.

Paul B

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I spent 8 days in the Caribbean and my tank is fine, maybe even better than when I left. I think my fish like my Supermodel tank sitter better than they like me. (I don't blame them)
She doesn't know anything about fish but I make it very easy for her.
Before I go, I make up individual portions of frozen food and put it in small containers. They are actually film containers but I realize most people on here were born last Tuesday and don't know what film is, but it is like Scotch tape and pictures stich to it.
Anyway, I make up enough food for a feeding every other day. Every day would be better but I don't want to push my luck by asking her to come over every day and I don't want my fish to get to used to looking at her.
In the containers I put some Mysis, clam, and live blackworms.
I built this frozen food feeder/defroster thing in about five minutes and use it every time I go away. It's just a small powerhead that pumps water into a small container with holes in it.
The Supermodel just has to take the frozen food from the refrigerator and dump it into the small container where it defrosts and gets distributed all over the tank. She doesn't have to mix it with water and all that or even wait for it to defrost. Just dump it in and leave.
If she were to just put in the entire lump of frozen food, one or two fish would eat it all. My copperband would get most of it. This way, all the fish get to eat.
That device is fine for most of my fish but I also have mandarins, ruby red dragonettes and pipefish and they don't have any sense of humor and won't eat any of that frozen food so I designed an automatic vacation brine shrimp hatchery/feeder that will dispends eggs, hatch them and feed the tank for that time.
There is a flake food feeder over a funnel that is at the top of the water which dispenses some brine shrimp eggs into the funnel. A small amount of water is also pumped into this funnel so that eventually the eggs sink into the hatchery where they hatch in about 36 hours and are attracted to the mesh on top.
My fish lay on the thing all day and suck out shrimp. I have been using these two devices for a few years and never had any problems.
This is the defroster, dispenser thing.

This is the hatchery/ dispenser thing.

And a video of it working.

Paul B

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This guy stopped eating today which means he will molt in a day or two. Not a minute to soon as he is becoming to be covered in some algae and a little cyano.
After he molts I will look for a female for him to date as I want them to mate.
I have had arrow crabs mate a few times and it just seems right to get him a girlfriend to try to impress. I got him as a baby and I think he is now ready.


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