I prefer to build the tank and water test it first so that if there are any leaks I can easily take care of it without things in the way. After the water test tonight I will drill and then build my overflows around the bulkheads. Going with 1.5" bulkheads for the overflows. And 3/4 for the return from my sump. This does not include the closed loop.
definstely pmoney. So I glued the other side just now. Here is a question. Does anyone know or know where to find out what kind of flow a 1.5" bullhead alows with an overflow.
Thanks alot. More pics to come I promise. So I oredered my lighting last night. Also can someone put this whole linear thing in laymans terms. My tank is 24" tall. I want to use only 1overflow. With a 1.5" bulkhead. That should be about 1000gph. This will keep up with my return pump. All help is usefull.
hey guys here are some new pics. here is the tank after water testing and now the bulkheads drilled in with the tank on the start of the stand. the stand will not be completed till after all the plumbing is done. and the canopy will not be completed till i get my lighting.
i have to build the overflow boxes, do the plumbing, build the sump, build the ATO tank, and then start the tank. can anyone tell me what is the best way to move all my live stock from tank to tank. i dont want to re cycle the tank. thanks to all that looks and comments.