Pic update as requested.
I am going to rotate it but I have to figure out how to do it with the rails.
Clowns, gramma, blenny, and wrasse are all well. Just caught the wrasse hunting and taking out my cleanup crew one by one. Going to give him a day then set the trap. With all the stuff going on in the tank i need to have a strong army of hermit crabs and snails.
I have brown filamentous algae all over. Through increased WC's and frequent media changes my overall levels are equalizing. I think I can make it through things without taking the rock out entirely and scrubbing it. Also, I think I found a patch of dyno's so that doesn't make me happy but my hands have been in the tank so much I had to pass on the exploration yesterday.
Trap is set. Lets see if I get lucky and catch the wrasse.