Purple Tang
I kept a 20G high freshwater tank for 30 years before starting my reef tank in Aug. It was my uncle who got me interested in tropical fish. He kept a wall of fish tanks and visiting was like walking into a fish store--he had tank after tank all hooked up together--something like five 20G tanks on the top row and another five 20G tanks on the bottom row. Each tank contained a different community of fish and to a little kid, it was wonderous. When my family visited for the holidays, driving all the way to NJ from TX, he would take me to the LFS and let me pick out a fish or two to add to his tanks. My first fish was a guppy with a brightly colored fan tail. It was exquisite. Looking back on it, my uncle was a wonderful, interesting person, but maybe a bit odd since he was also (at 40) still living with my grandparents and keeping all of these fish in his bedroom upstairs. Never-the-less this is where my love for fish keeping started.
Ten years ago, I became a rescue diver and started to think about a saltwater tank. I was really intimidated by it though and thought only restaurants, offices, major cities and people who could afford to hire others to take care of the tank kept saltwater aquariums, but I let my freshwater tank go and I had to decide if I wanted to start over with another freshwater tank or go for it.
As you know, rule of thumb with freshwater is one inch of fish per gallon. I had just brought home a 55G tank. I'd never had a tank so big and I was really psyched about all the saltwater fish, I'd be able to keep. My first stocking list looked like this:
Lion fish
Frog fish
Snowflake eel
Purple tang
File fish
Butterfly fish
Pederson's shrimp and anenome
Christmas Tree Worms
Then I started researching and realized that this would have resulted in a real mess and 55G in salt is not at all like 55G in fresh. I also learned that tangs (and few others on my wish list) would do much better in a bigger tank. I think the seeds for the desire for a larger tank may have been sown even before I got my first Chromis. So I ditched that stocking list and started over: chromis, cardinals, clowns, gobies...until I decided to upgrade to the 90G. I could get a purple tang for my 90G!
I won the purple tang at the frag swap and was over-the-moon. I was so, so excited--you would have thought I'd won a million dollars. Sadly, the tang was rather stressed, showing signs of ick and I got some advice to drip acclimate the tang. He still seemed a little stressed after the acclimation, but getting used to the QT tank and was checking things out and good at 2am. I went to bed and found the tang dead at the bottom of the tank in the morning. I was heartbroken. I was so dissappointed, but I also felt horribly responsible and plus I know a lot of other members would have liked the purple tang. It was a VERY LOW DAY.
A week ago a purple tang was posted for sale in the marketplace. I jumped on it and made arrangements to pick the purple tang up on Friday. All week I looked forward to bringing home the purple tang. My husband was getting sick of hearing about the purple tang. I left for the wilds of NJ for the pick up, but I was stopped cold at the Holland Tunnel. I sat there for an hour, not a single car was moving. I've been in traffic to get out of the city, but this was unbelievable. I called the owner of the Purple Tang to let him know what was up and we decided I'd call in another half hour. That went by and still no one had moved. I couldn't get out of the city. Turned out there had been a terrible motorcycle accident and no one was getting through the tunnel for hours. The owner of the tang was going out of town, so we said we'd reconnet this week.
I got in touch with the owner of the Purple Tang, but he decided that when he got home and put the tang back into his tank that he really liked the way the fish looked and wanted to keep it. No money had been exchanged and he was very apologetic about it, but it was ok with me. I mean who would want to part with such a gorgeous fish anyhow?
So back to the start of my story, it turns out that the owner of the Purple Tang is the owner of the very same LFS that my uncle used to take me to all those years ago as a kid when we'd visit my grandparents in NJ from TX! How amazing! I haven't had a chance to get out to the store yet, but I will and I wonder if I'll recognize it or at least the block. I can't wait to meet the owner. So the Purple Tang didn't turn into an addition to my tank, but the addition to my life that the Purple Tang made represents so much more.
Oh, and by the way, I saw a
Red Sea Sail Fin in Drinkmorewater's tank on Sunday and now I'm torn between a Red Sea Sail Fin or Purple Tang. They are both Zebrasoma so putting both in a tank most likely wouldn't work out. I'll have to decide which one. Funny how things work out.