Manhattan is known for top notch museums, Soho, Chelsea, the Factory, Sotheby's, Christies. For historical architecture: The Flatiron Building, the Empire State Building. And across New York in the home of reef keepers, what can only be considered a work of art is popping up: sumps made by Custom King. Gleaming, crystal clear structures of perfect angles, cut-outs and baffles that create a symphony of water movement. You might think I'm being dramatic, but just look at this sump and tell me if you've seen anything more beautiful.
When I started to work out my plan for my upgrade, I initially thought I'd turn my 55G into a sump and I spent a load of time researching sump construction, chamber order, baffle height and width, and what kind of silicone to use, but then two things happened. First I began to realize the dimensions of the 55G aren't very good for a sump because the 55 takes it's volume from height rather than width and for a sump, you don't need the height, you are better off with a wider sump. Then second, I saw a sample of Custom King's work at the Frag Swap.
So as I've been tearing my apartment down and building it back up, Custom King was working on a sump for my tank. The end of last week, he called to let me know that he was coming to deliver the sump at 8 am Sat. I was estatic--even if that meant I had to get up at 7 am on a weekend! I had a very hard time falling asleep on Fri. night and even woke up at 4 am I was so excited about the new sump.
The alarm went off and I sprang out of bed. Aslan, our Briard, and my husband were still asleep and I left them, closing the door behind me. I started my tea and went online in case there were any updates from Custom King. As you can see hardly anyone was even on MR!
At 8am Custom King called, he was just parking (no small task on my street!) and would be right up. He arrived with the glorious sump and when he pulled back the paper to show me, I was all smiles. Absolutly beautiful! The sump is 42L x 13w x 16h and fits perfectly below my tank. Here are the rough estimates of each chamber listed in the direction of water flow:
1. 8" x 8" drain filter sock section for one 7" filter sock
2. 13" x 15 1/2" skimmer section where I will also house two heaters, a Two Little Fishes reactor with PhosBan and another Two Little Fishes reactor with Carbon.
3. 8" x 4 1/2" Baffle section with four baffles
4. 22 1/2 x 4 1/2" Fuge (since I will have a display fuge, I just wanted a small fuge area here--I am toying with the idea of keeping sponges in my sump where it is darker)
5. 18" x 8 1/2" return pump area
I am delighted with the sump--everything fits in it nicely with plently of room. Oh, and he even polished the edges for me

Thank you Custom King!!!!
Now I can't wait to get the plumbing finished and get water in the system! Stay tuned...