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Rice Planter
...caN i ask how vendors are cLassified? is Ronen a vendor eVen though he onLy has two tanks and seLLs out of hiS home or iS he a private seLLer :scratchch coZ a frnd of mine might wanna seLL a bunch of stuFF but he doesnt know if he has to poSt in the vendor or sales section :confused: :thanks:


yeah even Ronen even with two tanks in his kitchen is a vendor.

basically if your going to be selling stuff full time we ask you post it in the vendor forum. if it's your stuff and it's a one time sale then it can go in the for sale section.
does that make sense?


Hillside NJ
mark ups are my way of telling.

If your buying cheap and selling at a higher price, you are a vendor.

like crack...



then i think there should be more ppl posting in the vendors forum ,,i do have only two tanks ,but they both = 60 gals if that ,,,
so if you buy corals off a site ,and frag it up to make money ,althou its out of your own tank ,,are you a vendor ?
can vendors post in group buys?
am i ever allowed to post in forsale forum altohu i am now a vendor ,or do i ppost only in vendor,,just want to know ,,


then i think there should be more ppl posting in the vendors forum ,,i do have only two tanks ,but they both = 60 gals if that ,,,
so if you buy corals off a site ,and frag it up to make money ,althou its out of your own tank ,,are you a vendor ?
can vendors post in group buys?
am i ever allowed to post in forsale forum altohu i am now a vendor ,or do i ppost only in vendor,,just want to know ,,

hey Ronen :)

since your re-selling items, and you have your own tanks it gets confusing.

make it simple, anything you order specifically to sell to others place that in the vendor section.

if something is coming out of your personal tank put it in the for sale section.

the group buys are when people are offering to do a group order to save on shipping or get discounts, no one is making a profit. so if you want to do a group buy that's not for profit then post in group buy, if it's for profit keep it in the vendor section.

I believe this is right. I'll check with the other mods and see what they say.
don't stress over it though, if something's posted in the wrong place we can always move it, no biggie. we just don't want to do that all the time :)


then i think there should be more ppl posting in the vendors forum ,,i do have only two tanks ,but they both = 60 gals if that ,,,
so if you buy corals off a site ,and frag it up to make money ,althou its out of your own tank ,,are you a vendor ?
can vendors post in group buys?
am i ever allowed to post in forsale forum altohu i am now a vendor ,or do i ppost only in vendor,,just want to know ,,

Ronen, please don't make this difficult on the mods;) You have corals supplied by a wholesaler on a consistent basis which makes you a vendor even though you only have 2 small tanks. Keep things clear and simple and we'll do our best to make sure everyone else complies with the vendor posting. If you feel that someone shouldn't be posting in a certain situation please send me a PM and I, or one of the other mods will take care of it.


jhale said:
hey Ronen :)

since your re-selling items, and you have your own tanks it gets confusing.

make it simple, anything you order specifically to sell to others place that in the vendor section.

if something is coming out of your personal tank put it in the for sale section.

the group buys are when people are offering to do a group order to save on shipping or get discounts, no one is making a profit. so if you want to do a group buy that's not for profit then post in group buy, if it's for profit keep it in the vendor section.

I believe this is right. I'll check with the other mods and see what they say.
don't stress over it though, if something's posted in the wrong place we can always move it, no biggie. we just don't want to do that all the time :)
oh not at al stressed ,just asking what is what ,i saw this and seemed like a good time to ask question that i dont know of ,so it cool ,,i dont have a prob posting in vendors forum at all ,,just wanted to know when it was good not to post on vendors so i dont step over anys feet ,you know i have a size 12 and stepping on a foot might hurt ,,lol jking ,


jackson6745 said:
Ronen, please don't make this difficult on the mods;) You have corals supplied by a wholesaler on a consistant basis which makes you a vendor even though you only have 2 small tanks. Keep things clear and simple and we'll do our best to make sure everyone else complies with the vendor posting. If you feel that someone shouldn't be posting in a certain situation please send me a PM and I, or one of the other mods will take care of it.
Oh wow ,,I need to learn to type better ,,i didnt mean to be in anyway difficult,,


inkblue said:
Mavis Beacon... learn to tyPe, that'S wheR i learn'd :bigeyes2: :lol: :)
the 1st thing i need to learn is ,look at the screen before hit the submit button ,
second thing is ,get smaller fingers,so when i do type i hit one key at a time ,lol
3rd ,,need to get the crazy glue off my fingers ,lol

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