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Advanced Reefer
Brewster, NY
Rating - 100%
57   0   0
The more I learn about sps, and the sellers POV, the price also reflects the babysitting of the corals, supplementing, feeding, lighting the constant testing, fear of a power outage or tank crash, so the high end prices are justifiable vs somebody who sells a frag of a colony they got yesterday and chopped it up and the glue is still fresh. I also know there are only a few originators of this coral so some maybe imposters, high end sps yes definitely ,, but not the actual strain.


Rating - 99%
201   2   0
These multi color tenuis are a PITA too keep color on. I know from experience. I would say 1% of the people who buy it can actually keep color. If I sneeze wrong my tenuis loses its red :)
Here is my tenuis under daylight. I was selling these for $200 per frag as fast as I could frag it. I'm still amazed how people throw money around for a coral lol. I'll gladly take more money this fall when I ship another batch of frags out.

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