Giant Hermit Crab

by | Mar 28, 2016 | Fish, Reef, Science | 0 comments

Hello from one of the driest places on Earth!! I remember years ago before we moved here I had thought Curacao would be lush and green with waterfalls and streams but man-o-man were we ever wrong!! This place is lucky if it gets rain 10 times a year and right now it’s bone dry, even the cactus are suffering!

I have yet another fun blue-light photo for you all today that I found right in front of our Substation lagoon. If you remember a couple of days ago I shared with you the blue-light scorpionfish? Well, this Giant Hermit crab in his old crusty shell was just inches away from him to the left of this photo, I almost didn’t see it. It always amazes me that such a small crab can drag such a big shell around and I mean this old Queen conch shell is big and heavy! I was pretty astounded at how fluorescent these crabs are under the blue-light, I would have never guessed they would be yellow??  MORE


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