Green Star Polyp Fields Forever

by | Dec 16, 2016 | Advanced Aquarist | 1 comment


The corals in this aquarium might not be esteemed as “expert,” but this simple 120 gallon soft coral tank is as beautiful as any high-tech SPS tank in my opinion. For you rare fish enthusiasts, look for the super rare gem tang, joculator angelfish pair, and L. carmabi basslet pair.

  • Leonard Ho

    I'm a passionate aquarist of over 30 years, a coral reef lover, and the blog editor for Advanced Aquarist. While aquarium gadgets interest me, it's really livestock (especially fish), artistry of aquariums, and "method behind the madness" processes that captivate my attention.

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1 Comment

  1. Brad

    Love this and softies as well. One question…what is the whiteish branching coral in the middle? Looks sps but I know it’s probably a Kenya tree or something.
    I have a similar layout and want to model mine like this.
    Nice tank!


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