Hairy Frogfish Caught on Video

by | Jul 28, 2011 | Fish | 2 comments

Frogfish, otherwise known as anglers, are very interested and unusual species to study. Frogfish come in many varieties, but they always have a few common features. They are extremely adapt at using camouflage to blend into the background, and with a huge mouth designed for swallowing fish nearly as big as themselves, they make for a great ambush predator. Frogfish, or anglers, also come armed with a small lure that they can dangle in front of their mouth to attract prey. Video after the jump.

One of the rarest of the frogfish family is the hairy frogfish, or antennarius striatus, but recently a group of divers was lucky enough to find and get video one in the wild.

[stream provider=youtube flv=Iq-vZygb074 embed=false share=false width=640 height=360 dock=true controlbar=over bandwidth=high autostart=false /]

A hard to find critter where underwater photographers fly either to Lembeh Straits Indonesia or Anilao Philippines just to get photos of one. Well, the elusive Hairy frogfish was here in Nha Trang on a nightdive made- June 26, 2011. Been searching for this critter for over a year and finally got the chance to get good photos of it. Finally, off my critter list.

Via: 3Reef



  1. Jared Goldenberg

    Cool video but I’d have to give it a B- because they managed to use both slomo and a Sneaker Pimps track… But they did have a Flying Gurnard in there otherwise it would have been lower.


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