Is Automatic Monitoring of Calcium & Magnesium Necessary?

by | Jul 20, 2018 | Equipment, Reef, Science, Video | 0 comments

reef tankA few weeks ago I provided an overview of the GHL KH Director and touched on some reasons why I went with that unit versus others in the marketplace. A primary factor was my positive experience with another GHL product, the Doser 2.1. I was also swayed by the KHD’s ability to read and then adjust dKH levels up or down. Well, I wanted to peel the onion back a bit more and give you some deeper insight into why I believe the KHD was the right choice for me.

You see, I don’t like a lot of moving parts when it comes to keeping a reef tank since more equipment equals more variables, increasing the likelihood something can go wrong. Simplicity is good when it comes to MORE


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