Jason Fox Signature Corals Backstage Pass, Mon

by | May 29, 2012 | Corals | 0 comments

Our friends over at Jason Fox Signature Corals very rarely let the reef paparazzi behind the closed doors of their secret coral bunker, so when we saw this video of the delicious 400g eye candy tank, we had to share it with you.  Jason is both a hobbyist and a farming expert, shown by the diversity of his coral collection and the fact that he keeps several corals that cannot be fragged, simply because “they’re just too awesome not to have”.  Jason runs incredibly clean systems, relying on heavy and consistent water changes and high grade GFO and GAC.  To make sure you get his vibe, the video is lined with some dubby reggae to make sure you are on the level.

  • Josh Saul

    Josh Saul is a technology consultant for large global banks. He has been involved in the aquarium hobby for 20 years and has been SCUBA diving for more than 30.

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