I have the great opportunity through my job to visit Lisbon, Portugal about once a quarter. Nearly every time I am there, I go to the Lisbon Oceanario. Although I shot this video over a year ago, I wanted to share it because it really shows off what a great public aquarium is capable of in terms of a great variety of exhibits without being too “theme park-ish” (Don’t even let me get on a rant about the GA Aquarium). The architecture of the Oceanário is amazing, the entire inside is barely lit so your eyes really can take in the beauty of all the exhibits. If you ever get to Portugal, I really encourage you to visit this place.
If you just want to jump to the corals, go to 2:50 on the video. Their coral reef tank is insane. Naturally lit with huge corals and gorgeous fish. It is almost as incredible as the one at the aquarium in Waikiki in terms of the maturity of the corals. Hope you enjoy the video – as amateur as it is!
Editor’s note: originally published on March 16, 2012