MACNA 2017: Current USA unveils Bluetooth Module and Android App

by | Sep 16, 2017 | Equipment, MACNA, Video | 1 comment

Current USA has been teasing us for months, promising us a new bluetooth module and a new app for our smart devices. At MACNA, I got a glimpse of what’s to come, and I was pleasantly surprised to see how far and how intuitive they have gotten with this module. Gone are the old individual modules, hubs, and wires that can get messy over time; instead, the company debuted one neat module to connect them all and work in beautiful harmony. Hardware upgrade wasn’t the only change –  the company finally released their app on Android, and it’s everything they promised and more!  They have fully utilized the bluetooth capabilities and added sound – an interesting touch to say the least. Take a look and see what you think!

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1 Comment

  1. Dustin Grossbier

    I was pleasantly surprised by this controller when I saw it at macna. For the price point, it seems to offer quite a bit of functionality.


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