MACNA 2017 New Orleans: Jason Langer, the Cookie Man

by | Sep 15, 2017 | Eye Candy, MACNA, Reefs in Art, Too Cute | 0 comments

jason langer cookie

The MACNA conference & show is all about great lectures by world renowned speakers, being able to see and play with tons of exciting new equipment, meeting fellow aquarists, learning about new companies on the market and…cookies.

Not ordinary cookies, mind you, but yummy little art pieces baked by Mr Jason Langer. These are so amazing looking you almost don’t want to eat them. (Un)fortunately, they taste as good as they look. This is one of those threads that screams “pictures or it didn’t happen”, so here:

jason langer cookie jason langer cookie jason langer cookie jason langer cookie

Aren’t they adorable?

I asked Jason how he came up with the idea of creating fish cookies and I will let the man speak for himself:

“After years of making decorated Christmas and Halloween cookies, I thought it would be interesting to involve my other hobby of saltwater aquariums and its colorful fish. I had dabbled with a couple of “fish cookies” in 1994, but I returned to making them in 2013 when I made about 8 dozen cookies for Kevin Kohen and the staff at the DFS Marine Fish and Coral Aquaculture Facility in Rhinelander as a show of appreciation for their support and customer service. It’s grown ever since.”
jason langer cookie

Indeed, it has grown, and we hope it will develop even further. Jason is currently eyeing his options to expand his baking business and hopefully, we will be seeing his amazing treats more often.

Our staff at presented a “Best of Show” award to Jason in the “art in reefing” category for the beautiful and tasty sweets he spoiled us with at MACNA 2017 in New Orleans. Keep up with the good work Jason!

Meanwhile, check this amazing thread on Twin Cities Marine Aquarium Society (TCMAS), where Jason talks in detail about the cookie making process. Excellent read!

And some more cookie pictures I took at MACNA 🙂

jason langer cookie jason langer cookie jason langer cookie jason langer cookie jason langer cookie

  • Marcin Smok

    Marcin Smok is a reefer, photographer, traveler, SCUBA diver and avid DIY-er. He has been keeping freshwater fish tanks since he was 9 years old and saltwater tanks for the past 10 years. Check his photography site at and follow his Facebook profile

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