MACNA 2018 : MASNA Scholarship Winner Michael Connelly

by | Oct 25, 2018 | MACNA, Science, Video | 0 comments

For this video, we are moving from tanks to the winner of the MASNA 2018 Graduate Student Scholarship, Michael Connelly. Michael is pursuing his PhD in Marine Biology and Ecology at the Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science at the University of Miami. Michael, an avid hobbyist turned scientist, is currently working on a project that not only benefits the future of conservation, but will make a huge impact on our aquarium industry, and the way we understand and treat corals. How so? His work involves coral stress, elevated temperatures, a coral’s symbiotic relationship with bacteria, and many other things. What can we expect from him? Take a look and find out!

  • Afishionado

    Afishionado : a person who likes, knows about, and appreciates a usually fervently pursued interest or activity. (In this case, fish, corals and reef keeping). We are group of passionate hobbyists who are all about educating, creating innovative contents and providing eye popping visuals for hobbyists of all levels.

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