We have finally reached the end of our exciting contest for Italy’s most beautiful marine tank. This week, we will have the two semifinals, featuring four very different aquariums.
This was absolutely expected since we organized the aquariums by volume from largest to smallest, so it was inevitable that these differences would eventually emerge. Who will win the semifinals and move on to the final? You will decide with your votes in the coming days.
But first, how do you vote in the contest?
Voting is very simple. Both on Wednesday and Friday, when we publish the two semifinals, you can vote on Facebook or Instagram, or both. On Instagram, just go to the story we create and vote in the poll we post, while on Facebook, go to our page, find the post of the day, choose the tank, and vote with the heart reaction. Remember, it’s the heart ❤️ and not the like. After 24 hours, we will stop the voting and count the preferences each aquarium received by combining the votes from both social platforms. The one with the most votes will move on to the next round.
Semifinal #1: aa_Reef_aa (125 litres) vs Xtweezer (230 litres)
The differences are becoming significant… from 125 liters on the left to nearly double that on the right. In the first semifinal matchup, we will see two spectacular aquariums: on one side, aa_Reef_aa (Simone Canino), here’s his Instagram profile, who surpassed Faco_Reef in the quarterfinals, and on the other side, Xtweezer (Giovanni Bartolotta), also well-known on Instagram, who defeated Antonio Antonacci. San Secondo di Pinerolo vs. Florence.

So far, aa_Reef_aa has obtained an average of 70% of the votes, compared to Xtweezer’s 63%. Additionally, up to today, Simone has received 3.23% more votes than Xtweezer. Thus, Simone has had a slightly easier path with a marginally higher number of votes.

Despite being so different, we will see your preferences on Wednesday. See you on Wednesday, July 17th, around 10 AM Italian time (4:00 AM Eastern Standard Time). Remember, you will have only 24 hours to vote and choose the first finalist.
Semifinal #2: Federeef (468 liters) vs Khorru (726 liters)
In the second semifinal, we have two other spectacular aquariums: on one side, FedeReef_ (Federico Fabrizio), here on Instagram, who beat JM_Reefer in an exciting head-to-head in the quarterfinals, and on the other side, Khorru (Pasquale Ruocco), here on Instagram, who surpassed the beautiful aquarium of Vincenzo Massa. Rome vs. Castelliri, with one aquarium being much larger than the other.

So far, FedeReef_ has an average of 58% of the votes, compared to Khorru’s 84%. Additionally, Federico has received 11.3% fewer votes than Pasquale up to today. Thus, Pasquale has had a much easier path and is also ahead in the number of votes.

Despite being so different, we will see your preferences on Friday. See you on Friday, July 19th, around 10 AM Italian time (4:00 AM Eastern Standard Time). Remember, you will have only 24 hours to vote and decide the second finalist.

We congratulate everyone who participated in our contest, and of course, all the winners. We can’t wait to see who will succeed this week and make it to the grand final next week.
And remember, vote, vote, vote! Follow us on Instagram and FaceBook so you don’t miss any new tanks to vote for!