Meet the GHL Doser 2.1 Maxi

by | Nov 14, 2017 | Equipment, Reef, Science | 0 comments

ghl doser 2.1
GHL is at it again with the addition of another new product – the GHL Doser 2.1 Maxi. GHL already has several dosing pump models to choose from but the Maxi differs from the other models by providing some new, innovative features.
First of all, the Maxi comes with two brushless stepper motors that are rated to move up to 350ml of liquid per minute.  The increased rate of volume coupled with the more robust motors is perfect for setting up AWC (automatic water changes) and for continuous-use operation.
As many of us know, lugging buckets of water around can be both annoying and messy.  With the Maxi standalone doser, manual water changes can be a thing of the past. The Maxi allows you to conveniently schedule MORE

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