Meet the Bulbonaricus pipefish!

by | May 18, 2016 | Advanced Aquarist | 0 comments

Meet the Bulbonaricus pipefish!

For anyone who knows Galaxea corals, look at the polyps for the scale of this fish. It’s TINY!

The pipefish was photographed at Triton Bay (West Papau, Indonesia).  Ned believes it is a Bulbonaricus brucei.  These tiny fish appear to prefer (or are obligated to) Galaxea corals.  They are difficult to spot when the polyps are extended.  This pipefish further proves that some of the coolest reef animals are tiny and cryptic.

Read more about the Bulbonaricus pipefish (including more photos) over at our friend’s blog,  Bonus reason to revisit: they did a great job updating their website.


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