More Caribbean Filefish

by | Jan 26, 2016 | Fish, Photography, Travel | 0 comments

Aluterus scriptus

Aluterus scriptus

I came across a post a few days ago from Barry Brown showing some great images of Filefish and thought I’d post a few more along with another great fish that hides in the reefs.Its easy to see why Filefish are so attractive to underwater photographers and divers, they tend to be easy to approach as they assume their camouflage is protecting them, and they are just awesome looking animals.

After I saw Barry’s recent post and excellent picture I thought I’d dig a few of mine out.

Monacanthus tuckeri

Monacanthus tuckeri

The other fish I love to watch out for hides and hunts in similar habitats and shares a similar technique of pretending to be a sea plume; it’s the Trumpetfish.  These fish come in quite a variety of colors, and the one I photographed had a very attractive red tinge.


Aulostomus maculatus

Aulostomus maculatus




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