NatGeo likes fluorescent corals too!

by | Jun 8, 2011 | Corals, Eye Candy, Photography | 1 comment

Photo courtesy of Keith Ellenbogen

Reports from a recent National Geographic expedition to Fiji  detail the increasing scientific focus on fluorescent pigmentation that we’ve previously detailed from an aquarium perspective HERE and HERE.  If nothing is learned from all this, at a bare minimum we’ll get some new college dorm posters out of it.

National Geographic Blog
Editor Note: Photo appears to be Pocillopora verrucosa or damicornis, not Acropora.

  • Josh Saul

    Josh Saul is a technology consultant for large global banks. He has been involved in the aquarium hobby for 20 years and has been SCUBA diving for more than 30.

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1 Comment

  1. lfsmarineguy

    Coral fluorescence photo or a NASA screen cap from the Hubble telescope? That just looks awesome. Weren’t they using the proteins for cancer research as far as tagging and tracking new cells?


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