New GHL Mitras Seasonal Lighting Simulation Explained

by | Jun 9, 2016 | Reef, Science | 0 comments


IlluminationChannel - reefsMatthias Gross, owner of GHL, recently posted an example of its new seasonal lighting feature, which is now included in the Mitras LX LED Fixtures. The new feature simulates the seasonal course of lighting based on the following aspects:

  • Similar to nature but still practical for artificial biotopes
  • Simple and convenient to operate
  • Flexible and customizable to suit individual needs

Seasonal lighting can be combined with other lighting simulations that will run simultaneously such as thunderstorms, rainy days, moon phases, clouds and coral acclimation.  The minimum requirements to achieve these effects requires the following minimum software versions: Profilux 3 N/T (eX) Version 6.27 Mitras LX 6xxx Version 1.10 GHL Control Center Version Mitras LED Fixture Basics: For more details on how Seasonal Simulation works with the Mitras LED MORE

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