Old School Watermelon

by | Dec 1, 2014 | Science | 0 comments

wm mac
This small colony of Echinophyllia aspera is one of my favorite chalice corals.  It has been with me for many years and has passed the test of time.  It has went through many fragging sessions and always recovered after propagation very nicely.  It lives in a lower nutrient reef that houses mostly Acropora which I believe dictates it vibrant colors and its tendency to grow quite slow.  Chalice corals tend to grow faster in aquariums that have slightly higher nutrients and lower light levels.  My stubbornness to move this coral to one of my other systems that have lower light levels and more nutrients is primarily due to its rarity and possibility of loss from the change.  Moving a coral that has been growing for many years in the same location has proven to have some risk so I tolerate the slower growth in this instance.The largest the colony has grown through the years was approximately 6 inches.  I typically cut the colony in half when it reaches about this size to propagate this rare and beautiful specimen.  I know I have passed this lineage on to a good number of collectors with this process.  I do feel joy from knowing this coral can live on and exhibit its beauty to others as well as myself.  It is truly an old school coral and well worth the patience required to grow this amazing specimen.


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