The Polyp Craze, a Look at Why Zoanthids and Palythoas are So Popular Even After All These Years

by | Feb 16, 2014 | Corals, Opinion, Science, Tanks | 0 comments

In this hobby we see coral and invert phases come and go. From clams to chalices and even maxi mini anemones, it seems like they all go through a lot of initial hype then slowly decline in popularity. One of the mainstays in the hobby have been zoanthids and palythoas, which have been the craze for quite a while now. They have been in demand for what seems like an eternity and they do not appear to be getting less popular. Instead, it seems like they’re constantly on the rise. Zoas and palys are highly favored in the hobby by both beginner and expert reefers alike. They don’t require much in terms of care like other specimens and they grow under many types of lighting from T5s to LEDs. Polyps grow at the bottom of the sand bed or on your highest rock. They don’t necessarily need to be target fed like other corals and they also do not require us to dose things like calcium. MORE: The Polyp Craze, a Look at Why Zoanthids and Palythoas are So Popular Even After All These Years

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