Pomacanthus Angelfish Update

by | Mar 11, 2015 | Conservation, Fish, Science | 0 comments

Angelfish (~2 years old) on display at SeaWorld San Antonio. Photo credit: Nick Ireland.

One of our first Rising Tide successes was harvesting eggs from Columbus Zoo and Aquarium(CZA), shipping them to UF’s Tropical Aquaculture Lab, and successfully raising what turned out to be semicircle angelfish. We had samples from that first cohort DNA analyzed for identification. We have since raised multiple cohorts shipped to us from CZA; which has been well documented in previous blog posts (late 2011-early 2012). Ramon Villaverde at CZA has also raised multiple cohorts of angelfish in house. When space got limited we arranged for those juvenile angelfish to be sent to public aquariums which not only had MORE: Pomacanthus Angelfish Update


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