Red-Spotted Hermit Crab

by | May 17, 2017 | Invertebrates, Reef, Science | 0 comments

red spotted hermit crabHi all, today I have a beautiful three inch long, red-spotted hermit crab for your viewing pleasure, compliments of the world famous Smithsonian Institution and Substation Curacao. My long-time followers already know the love I have for crabs and invertebrates but hermit crabs in general hold a special place in my little heart. I love the eyes more than anything and the way they carry their homes around exploring the sea-bottoms on a daily basis, it’s most likely where the name “mobile home” came from… Over the years I have photographed a wide variety of hermits with the most famous being the little tusk shell hermits that have just blown everyone away who has seen them. On this trip to St. Eustatius, we didn’t have our invertebrate scientists on board, they were more interested in the fish and sponges than anything else, but with that said I did get to shoot some amazing crabs which you will be seeing here and on Twitter. MORE


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