Redfish #17 available for your free viewing pleasure

by | Dec 4, 2012 | Advanced Aquarist | 0 comments

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This issue features the following articles:

  • Red Slime, a pest common to the reefkeeping hobby is covered.
  • Dr. Jessica Drake takes a look at the weird world of the upside-down catfishes from the genus Synodontis.
  • The French Grunt is profiled, covering its care and keeping.
  • Editor Dr. David Midgley presents the fifth installment of the series ‘First time at sea’, this time covering Deep Sand Bed (DSB) filters and a recent addition to his kit, an automated water top up unit.
  • Aaron Sewell covers the major, minor and trace elements in a detailed piece on water chemistry.

  • Leonard Ho

    I'm a passionate aquarist of over 30 years, a coral reef lover, and the blog editor for Advanced Aquarist. While aquarium gadgets interest me, it's really livestock (especially fish), artistry of aquariums, and "method behind the madness" processes that captivate my attention.

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