Reef Lighting and Coral Aesthetics

by | Aug 20, 2016 | Corals, Fish, Photography, Reef, Science, Tanks | 0 comments

Your choice of reef lighting can dramatically affect how corals look in your aquarium

I always say that you only really need three things to be successful in this hobby: good water quality, good water flow, and good light. All of those things are pretty involved, but lighting in particular gets a lot of discussion because of the three, it is the most expensive and the thing that is going to most dramatically affect how the fish and corals in your tank will look. Corals can color up differently under different lighting systems to varying degrees, but lighting systems can also drastically affect the appearance of the same exact coral. A lot is made of what corals look like online. Are the images oversaturated? What kind of lighting was this taken under? MORE

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