Inside look at Reef Breeders

by | May 31, 2019 | Equipment, Video | 0 comments

Reef Breeders has been around for a quite a while now and I have seen them popping up all over the country at various trade shows, but I didn’t know much about them. All I knew about the company was that it had a young owner and had a fantastic track record of good customer support. To change this (depth of my knowledge of the company), I took the opportunity to sit down with Logan during the Keep on Reefing 2019 show in Connecticut to talk about the origins of the company, what the company is doing now, and where the company is going. After our interview, all I can say is that I am extremely envious of this man’s vision, passion to succeed, and his unlimited potential. Take a look.

Special thanks to my dude Deven of Reef Dudes and Peter of Reef News Network for the fun intro!

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