Re-visiting Jimmy Colson’s SPS Dominant Aquarium

by | Jan 18, 2019 | Eye Candy, Tanks, Video | 0 comments

I first met Jimmy at MACNA many years ago. Previous to the meeting, we met on facebook where we bonded over our love of SPS and fairy wrasses. We were constantly sharing tips and offering advice about the best possible ways to keep them thriving and happy in our aquariums and endlessly geeked out over the beauty of these amazing animals. I finally had the opportunity to visit his home in Las Vegas a few years ago and was able to shoot his amazing home aquarium. (Very proud to say that I was the first one to showcase his tank.) I thought it was magnificent but Jimmy was developing a blue thumb and honing his skills as master aquarist. When I visited him again in Vegas for MACNA last year, I was blown away to see that it was totally different tank! Everything had filled in nicely and it was simply breathtaking. This is my first tank progression video and I think it’s extremely fitting that it’s Jimmy’s tank. Take a look and see the reef that I fell in love with.


  • Afishionado

    Afishionado : a person who likes, knows about, and appreciates a usually fervently pursued interest or activity. (In this case, fish, corals and reef keeping). We are group of passionate hobbyists who are all about educating, creating innovative contents and providing eye popping visuals for hobbyists of all levels.

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