Removing Deadly Gill Nets from a Live Coral Reef

by | Jul 25, 2016 | Fish, Reef, Science | 0 comments

BAR-Good morning faithful readers of the blog, yesterday, my friend John walked in and and asked if I had seen the new gill net that was at 100 feet out in front of the Sea Aquarium? I looked at him with a blank expression and said “what are you talking about”?? He said there was a dropped or abandoned gill net at 100 feet for the past few days and asked if I wanted to help get rid of it, my answer was… yes of course. Upon hearing that, John set out to organize a major “gill net retrieval dive” which included calling in the Dutch Coast Guard and a bunch of our top divers from the Sea Aquarium.
When I first saw the net in the distance covered in dead fish, I felt overwhelmed with what a major task this was as it was much larger than I had imagined! I immediately started shooting and the boys went to work slicing and dicing as fast as they could and then trying their hardest to get that nasty net into small mesh bags, this was no easy task but to my surprise they got it done! Because of the deep depth the net was at, we all had to decompress slowly, this means we stopped at 60, 30 and 15 feet for around five minutes each, it’s better to be safe than sorry. It was a job well done and this section of the reef is once again safe for all sea creatures. MORE


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