RNN Episode 111 – Building the Dream: The Crowe Effect

by | Apr 27, 2020 | Equipment, Podcast, Reef | 0 comments

Moonshot attempt at saving the GBR, Snail handling and Building the Dream with Scott Crowe. Jeremy has been busy installing his new ReefBreeders equipment for the frag tank and cruising along with the big tank. Peter is crushing problem algae and really enjoying the new AquaFX RO/DI unit he just installed. All this and more on Episode 111 of the Reef News Network!


Peter- The world’s largest coral reef system is dying. Marine scientists backed by hundreds of millions of dollars plan to embark on what they call a “moonshot” attempt to save or at least shelter the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) from global warming. Sent to use by Blaine Boone

Jeremy- It is quite likely we are picking snails up wrong. This tip says you shouldn’t lift them straight up as this can cause mantle collapse, which can be deadly. Instead, you should gently slide them until they detach from the surface, or poke them until they contract into the shell then lift them up. The article goes on to talk a bit about snail anatomy and the repercussions of improper moving, it speaks mostly to terrestrial snail but seems to be good advice for or beloved CUC members as well! Thanks to Josh O. for sending this article over to us!

Tip of the Week: Our friend Anthony Wasley sent us a great suggestion. He wants you to check out your local reef clubs to see if they are doing anything to promote building the local reef keeping community, while social distancing. CTARS, the club Anthony is part of is doing a Tank Tour video challenge. Creating a video and sharing it that goes over all aspects of your system. It is a really cool idea and seems fun, so see if your local club is doing anything like this and if not maybe see if they want to!

Main Topic: Peter interviews Scott Crowe. They discuss what it takes to open a store and some of the steps to get there.

Reef News Network: www.reefnewsnetwork.com


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