Salty Q&A: Marine Aquariums and Power Outages

by | Apr 13, 2016 | Corals, Equipment, Fish, Reef, Science | 0 comments

It’s best to have a plan in place BEFORE the power goes out, rather than rushing around to put together a solution after the fact

Question: I set up a 60-gallon saltwater aquarium in my home last fall, and with my area being very prone to severe weather in spring, I have some questions about aquariums during power outages. Specifically, I’d like to know: How long can an aquarium go without power before you have to do something about it?

In other words, if the electricity goes out and I just leave the tank alone waiting for it to come back on, how long can the fish and corals survive? Which aquarium systems should be given top priority during a power outage? Am I correct in assuming temperature control, lighting, and aeration? What materials/equipment do you recommend I keep on hand in case of a power outage? MORE

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