Screenshot of the upcoming seneye online interface

by | Jun 21, 2011 | Advanced Aquarist | 0 comments

Advanced Aquarist reported on the new seneye Reef monitoring device yesterday.  More information is forthcoming on this exciting new product and company, so check back regularly.

Here is a world exclusive sneak peek at the seneye web interface.  The information is clearly presented.  This is the most polished aquarium-related software I have seen to date.


From this screenshot, we can derive a lot of information about the data seneye can collect … and how that information is displayed.  For monitored parameters such as pH and temperature, the online interface will display the follow information:

  • the current value
  • the average value
  • the current trend
  • the predicted future trend
  • tell users whether the levels and trends are within your defined safe levels
  • graph all this information.  The date range for the graph is user-selectable.
  • A look at the “total ammonia” box is even more telling: We see the predictive software warning the user that ammonia levels may exceed the safe range in 0.75 days.  seneye has informed me the predictive analysis is optional.  The aquarist can decide whether to be warned using the predictive analysis, the current value, or both.

We also see boxes for dissolved oxygen potential, nitrite (NO2), and total ammonia (as opposed to free ammonia).  These are not parameters specified for the seneye Reef.  [edit] seneye has informed us in the comment section that these boxes are for manual data entry.  The seneye server will allow users to manually add data that the sensor does not collect, in essence acting as a complete data log for your tank’s parameters.

Lastly, we see spectral plots for PAR (middle left box).

I highly recommend Advanced Aquarist readers sign up for their beta program to provide advanced feedback before the final product is released.  There seems to be a world of possibilities with this new technology.  Let’s guide seneye in the right direction.

  • Leonard Ho

    I'm a passionate aquarist of over 30 years, a coral reef lover, and the blog editor for Advanced Aquarist. While aquarium gadgets interest me, it's really livestock (especially fish), artistry of aquariums, and "method behind the madness" processes that captivate my attention.

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