Spare the Net for These 5 Fish Types

by | Feb 9, 2016 | Fish, Reef, Science | 0 comments

Large bruisers, such as Miniatus grouper (Cephalopholis miniatus), are best wrangled without the use of a net

Moving a marine fish from one tank to another is a straightforward process. You grab a fish net of appropriate size, scoop out the specimen, and release it in its new home. At most, you might have to work with two nets, using the second net to gently herd the fish into the first. Easy peasy, right? Ah, but don’t reach for that ubiquitous green net just yet! For some fish, transfer by net isn’t an ideal alternative. Here are five fish types that are best moved using different means:

Type 1: Spiny/spiky and venomous

Fish sporting venomous spines, such as lionfishes, scorpionfishes, and rabbitfishes, should never be transferred by net for two very good reasons MORE

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